help me port this simple extension to GNOME 45 to – 43 points –

GNOME Shell 45 moved to ESM (ECMAScript modules). That means you MUST use the standard import declaration instead of relying on the previous imports.* approach.

So the imports in your extensions is changed from:

const Clutter =;
const Gio =;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Volume = imports.ui.status.volume;


import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter';
import Gio from 'gi://Gio';
import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js'
import * as Volume from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/status/volume.js';

well that's what I tried, but how would I know where Volume is located in the path 'gi:// ... '. Is there any way of browsing / exploring the jave files to that I can actually know what the path is?

I edited my comment with an example for your code and my best advice for figuring out the path of gnome shell imports is by browsing /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/, the docs are not very helpful.

Aha I see. Except I'm not sure if the path /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ is correct? The folder/file js does not exist on my end.

Just to clarify. The gi:// resources are GObject Introspection modules which are used for multilanguage bindings to native libraries. On my system, GI modules are found in /usr/share/gir-1.0/ . They're just imported by name and sometimes version using gi:// (there are examples in the link in my first comment).

As I don't have Gnome installed I can't be sure of the path to gnome shell modules imported using resource://, but it's probably the path I wrote, but without js/.

It is very likely the wrong path, I just extrapolated the path from the gnome-shell git repo. I don't use Gnome myself, I'm on the enemy team using LXDE on Devuan ;)

What's the use case of this extension? It might be too confusing for the users.

to scroll on the top panel to change volume, is the use case of course. I put the github link for reference.

I think only problem lies with the last line. Importing Volume is done differently now.

Do I miss something? I already can do that in the latest fedora natively.

that's neat. Can it also do this, natively?

Ah I see now way you wanted the first extension. Natively you have to scroll on the right part of the panel around the volume icon to change the volume. Not in the middle of the panel

yeah okay so that's the same on GNOME on every distro. The icon is too small so it takes too long to get the mouse just right just to change the volume a bit.

You don't have to be exactly on the icon iirc, just on the right most component of the panel.