HTML, the Programming Language to – 53 points –

Interesting language I saw over on HN. Never going to use it but still interesting to read about


"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."

Wild that every command uses pre-existing html tags. Took me a bit to notice that

We are aware of the criticisms of GOTO, which, given a superficial understanding of the anchor tag in HTML, the programming language, may come to mind for some programmers (mainly juniors). A full response to this criticism is beyond the scope of this document, but, in summary: you are wrong

not a programmer but i feel if i used this the <> would be very annoying to type

It's also just stupidly verbose and there's no advantage to the extra text.

This is amazing, going to recommend this to my team as a JavaScript replacement on Monday!