How to diversify Piped playlists/subscriptions? to Open – 11 points –

Piped is an alternative frontend for Youtube (similar to Invidious). Over the months I have created multiple playlists with music mainly.

My question is how to diversify/backup Piped playlist/subscriptions in case my account was shutted down. It happened in the past when I had Invidious account on instance.

Am I supposed to get playlist as .txt file and download content via provided links in youtube-dl or is the re a way to import the playlist somewhere else like other Invidious/Piped instance etc.


The last time I checked, piped had a button right on the playlist page to export playlists as JSON. You can then switch instances and re-import that data back in

I'm not sure about subscriptions though, only really use piped for watching videos quickly or listening to music playlists

I have imported to other instance and its just fine.

You can download a JSON list of your subscriptions from the subscription page.