Animal Agriculture (Does Not) Rule to – 78 points –

The article pushes a biased and myopic view of events.

People were told to evacuate during natural disasters.

Due to sheer scale it is sometimes impossible to safely evacuate all the livestock.

Farmers receive funds to help with recovery from natural disasters.

Farmers did not get paid to leave animals to die.

The article talks alao about how it's logically difficult yes, but also how there is zero requirement or incentive to even try when it's possible and a profit incentive not not

Why would a Government provide incentives to put people’s lives at risk and in turn risk more rescue workers lives.

The article is a stupid opinion piece by a naive and biased hack.

Our economy and government view humans as disposable machines that barely matter. Of course animals dying in natural disasters are only a loss of assets to the owners.

The reason governments recoup some of the losses is to prevent inflation in meat prices which would make voters unhappy. They interfere in the free market in the worst way; when it should naturally force farmers to develop evacuation measures out of cold self interest. Insurance companies would raise rates as disasters increase in occurrence, so it's politicians trying to appeal to clueless voters that are making things worse in this situation. Voters who are mostly ignorant to the unethical nature of our system and unwilling to support creating a better world.