How Phantom Liberty Rewrites Cyberpunk 2077's DNA

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How Phantom Liberty Rewrites Cyberpunk 2077's DNA

Excellent news that these updates are coming to the base game too, even if you don’t purchase the DLC

Didn't watch the video but is it worth to wait for the updates (and the DLC) if I tried playing the game on day one but got put off by bugs and lack of content that was promised? I know there have been multiple patches that fixed bugs and gameplay but I am still reluctant to even give it a try.

I played the base on day one (PC) - stopped due to bugs impacting missions. Got back to it after two months (and several patches) and it was awesome, give it a try. At least on PC after first few patches everything was golden for me. As for lack of content - yep, in comparison to what the trailer “showed” it seemed a little underwhelming, but the game felt complete and enjoying as it is :)

The base game has improved considerably since launch, though it still lacks some promised content and performance will vary depending on your hardware. I have a PC with a Ryzen 7 and a RTX 2070, which can run the game well enough, but have not tried it on a machine with an AMD video card.

I think the base game might still be on sale and now might be a good time to pick it up for 50% off. Major updates will still be coming to the base game even if you don't buy Phantom Liberty... including vehicle combat, I believe.

I know there have been multiple patches that fixed bugs and gameplay

Yep, it's been fixed. And it's awesome. Well worth playing

I've been on the fence about trying out Cyberpunk but with the DLC coming out and all the positives I'm hearing about the game I'm feeling a lot more confident that the experience will be a positive one.

Just give it a try. I started playing it for the first time about a week ago and im having a blast.

A lot of the things that got criticized when it was released have been fixed.

Might finally be the time for me to commit to finishing a playthrough. I enjoyed what I played, just got distracted by other things.

just remember everyone, preorders are how we got into this mess in the first place. dont make the same mistake twice.