Fallout: Isle map

ArtZuron@beehaw.org to Creative@beehaw.org – 6 points –

A WIP for a map for a Fallout game I'm working on at the moment, featuring Honolulu, one of several areas in the so-called "Isle."

Hawaii was the major logistical center for the entire Sino-American War in the Pacific. Hundreds of thousands of encrypted messages, missives, orders, and status reports flowed through it every day. The US fleets used Hawaii as a main base as well.

Hawaii was protected by robot and human armies, covered in turrets, automated anti-aircraft weapons, radar and other sensors, and was surrounded with an undersea minefield that blew up anything that so much as touched the water without a US transponder, which was changed every 4 hours.

Upwards of a thousand nuclear devices were fired into Hawaii during the Great War, most of which were intercepted, but yet dozens still made their mark or nearly so. Tsunamis and explosions carved the islands up, destroying almost all of the surface infrastructure and nearly every human on them.

However, the islands themselves, and a few survivors, persisted, even as the smoke and fallout cleared. For decades, the islands lay quiet as people attempted to rebuild meager lives. The natives of the Island formed new communities of survivors, often taking after those of the distant past.

But, the Isle still had many secrets. Below the ground, under the waters, and hidden deep within were facilities yet untouched. Inside these facilities lay advanced technology, heavy machinery, and enough weapons to take over the world, if one could access them.

Following the Enclave's emergence back into the Wasteland, and their attempt to reconnect with their various sects across the US, they found that few could hear their calls. In Hawaii's case, the only response was from automated systems, which did in fact breath once more at their beckon. But not all of it.

The NCR and Brotherhood of Steel both learned of Hawaii through intercepted messages and intel, but they were late to the show. By the time they began to move, the Enclave had already moved to take the Isle. The Brotherhood, with Airships, left first. The NCR had to make due with a prewar warship.

What they found in the Isle wasn't islands blasted bare by nuclear Armageddon, however. Instead, they found the islands absolutely broiling with greenery and life. The Isle was the most verdant place any of them had ever seen, even more so than what it had been even before the War. But therein lies the issue. For all its beauty, the flora and fauna of the Isle were unwelcoming.

Massive man-eating caterpillars, swarms of flies that could gnaw through iron, venomous snakes capable of killing a man in 10 seconds, frogs that can swallow a man whole, and plants that could do that and more.

Thus, a scramble to control the islands began between the locals who only wanted a peaceful life, the NCR and their accompanying mercenaries, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Enclave. Another force was also on the island, something that seemed to guide the plants and animals to act in unnatural order and unity and seemed to wish to drive everyone but the locals off the Isle for good.


Dude, WHAT?! This is so cool. Is it like a mod you're working on?

It's not for a mod for one of the videogames, but I do want to eventually use it in a TTRPG. I've been working on a fallout fan system for it for a bit now.