[DWM] oMg ItS My FiRst PoSt!!!

GentooIsBased@lemmy.ml to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 89 points –

Why choose OpenBSD over FreeBSD? Any noticeable differences? I know it’s supposed to be a more security focused BSD but I hear it has fewer maintainers? The idea of a BSD appeals to me but the hardware compatibility holds me back. Just curious what your experience is like

Personally, I have had a lot of trouble. But I hear from others that it is a very good experience, so it depends on the person. I started using OpenBSD, because I thought it sounded like an interesting endeavour, and I've never bothered to switch away.

Cool! Apart from the blue bar I really like it

Nice but would of be better with Arch. What windows manager do you use i3?

Why would it be better with Arch?

  • Better packages manager
  • More secure
  • More suitable for tweaks
  • Always up to date
  • Great support (Thanks to Arch wiki)

Lol. Too bad the Gentoo Wiki is the best wiki in existence (and its not even close).

Edit: Oh no, its a joke!

Edit 2: Oh wait a minute... This is my OpenBSD rice; not my Gentoo rice lmao