China is building a 100GW renewable capacity project by the Yalong river. This will power 100 million households, the equivalent of the entire US population.

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to World – 55 points –
World’s largest solar-hydro plant creates power on Tibetan Plateau

Too lazy to read. Is it one of those device that converts solar power into potential energy of water?

Yeah, looks like that's how it works. They store up potential energy when the panels work, and then release it as needed. This solves the storage problem associated with solar.

a 1kwh LifePo4 battery costs almost 220$, so batteries are still expensive as heck. water dams or hydrogen production are good ways of storing solar energy

And with batteries you only have a couple thousand charge cycles. With hydro-electric I feel like it's limitless.

The math is a bit weird: currently they have 3GW for 700 thousand households and 100GW should somehow serve 100 millions. Anyway great news, hopefully it inspires more countries to do similar projects

Not 100% sure how this works, but dam and river usually means environmental consequences.

Impressive. Thanks for sharing this! China has done some technological incredible feats.

China is the main reason I'm not a complete doomer when it comes to transitioning off fossil fuels. They're showing that it's possible to do at scale and rapidly.

China seems to be able to easily start and complete megaprojects without much bureaucracy. It is a trait I wish the west would inspire to. Of course there are also traits that are not as appealing and should be avoided.

Regarding fossil fuels, I am beyond surprised how both superpowers are not placing significant funding into fusion. ITER in theory (and almost certainty in practice) has shown that you can generate a 1< Q factor for energy projection.

Imagine a Manhattan project for fusion instead of nuclear weapons. A project to this scale would very likely be able to fully transistion the world into clean, reliable, and cheap energy that doesn't require batteries, sunlight, or natural terrain to exploit.

The amount of lives you would save from free energy is also incredible! Place a few reactors in Africa and you have a way to desalinate ocean water, as well as provide free energy for food generation.

Actually, China's been investing into fusion research pretty actively. They recently achieved the longest sustained reaction lasting 403 seconds. If sustainable fusion can be achieved that would definitely be a game changer in terms of energy production.

It looks like China is taking a fairly broad spectrum approach towards its energy transition where they invest in renewables, fission, and active research into novel stuff like fusion and space based energy delivery.