Playing n-back feels hard even with meds... What do you do to fight off mental distractions and executive dysfunction? to – 5 points –

found a way to solve my issue by practicing meditation via n-back client, I will hopefully write down the details in my brain training sub soon


A Dr won't just give you drugs without taking you through an assessment. They usually provide a 10 question assessment first to determine if you meet the threshold to then do further testing.

It may be important to know what region you're in to determine how receptive a GP may be to recommending assessment.

I wasn't referring to drugs, I was more so referring to the specific game I am playing- I should've clarified that it is a game primarily meant to train the PFC. I saw big improvements from my meds as I played this more and more but now I am finding myself focusing on my distractions more, although more lucidly now. I found a way to deal with this though

I already have been taking it long enough to be passing it I assume

What is n-back

Brain exercise meant to train the pfc- helps with memory, focus etc, it has many ongoing researches right now and I am playing it for experimentation reasons, I can't tell it that much but it does kinda help me I guess... I am still a beginner though

"The Dual n-back task in the adaptive mode offers as a promising candidate for a cognitive remediation of adult ADHD patients without pharmaceutical medication."