Tourist faces $24,550 fine for carving his and girlfriend’s name into Colosseum to World – 38 points –

Fucking good.

For the most part excessive fines for defacing rocks and stuff is just classist to me like speeding tickets. But actual historical sites and artifacts need to be respected and preserved.

I live in Utah and this is such a huge problem for the Native American petroglyph sites out here. I work with an environmental team from time to time and they’ve taken me out to a relatively unknown site to see some undisturbed art. It’s amazing, and one of the last sites in the state that hasn’t had rock climbing gear driven into it or someone’s name written on it.

Throw that monster to the lions!

Seriously? This is so dumb on so many levels.

Duck the idiot for craving his name, absolutely. But, I’m not sure if the government realizes that they’ve just set a super low price of admission to have your name engraved on a historical artifact in their country. :(

Can we bring back the pillory, so the peasants can make their feelings known with some rotten cabbage, just like in the good old days?