Android - Text selection erratic as hell
On both the standard version and Firefox Focus (both from Play Store), when ever I try and select text to copy the page jumps around erratically. Sometimes it selects all the text on the screen, sometimes it jumps to the top of the page.
It's become impossible to select any sections of text. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this?
I've run into the same problem on many news articles. Where selection doesn't stop at the end of a paragraph, say, but jumps down to the end. If I try to scroll the end of the selection back up it jumps up to the top. Super annoying.
I have to switch to reader view to be able to select properly, most of the time.
I'll try reader view, thanks for the tip!
firefox focus has reader view?
Idk. Maybe not :/ You mentioned the standard version which is what I use.
I experience the same frustration on desktop too, on different websites. Perhaps more often when I try to select a title or heading. Another way in which the web had turned to shite.
How do you know it isn't the web page layout? Have you tested the same page with a computer with a mouse?
This is a known problem and happens due to a combination of complex webpage layouts and using touch as input.
The thing with touch input is that it's not precise at all. Firefox routinely gets told coordinates which are not quite where the user intended. With normal taps, it looks around for the nearest interactive element and activates that. But with text selection, there is no interactive element to use for orientation.
That's not a problem when a webpage is structured like a document. Then the small imprecisions will just mean that one letter more or less is selected.
But if the webpage is structured in such a way that elements, which are visually next to each other, are actually far away from each other in the HTML structure, that's when it becomes a problem.
The text selection follows this HTML structure, but the touch interpretation needs to follow the visual layout, since you may very well want to extend the selection into another HTML element.
And so, because it's not quite sure which pixel you're touching, and there's pixels next to each other which are miles away in the HTML structure, the text selection just jitters around like crazy.
tl;dr ... it is the web page you are trying to copy from... and the operating system touch screen support... not the browser. You outta luck here... use a different OS or copy from a different web page.