giraffe cprule to – 202 points –

Pretty sure it's better to do only chest compressions instead of wasting time doing mouth-to-mouth. This simplifies giving CPR to a giraffe quite significantly.

yeah american health association recommends the general public to just perform hands only cpr, it is different for healthcare workers though

what does the american health association say about CPR on giraffes?

unfortunately i couldn't find any information about their stance on giraffe cpr but for more information you can ask veterinarians or talking giraffes

asked a friend in the medical field and she said it's very easy to fuck up your rhythm if you take a break to do mouth to mouth. chest compressions only are better if you're untrained.

fun fact. For giving rats cpr, you dont need chest compressions, just sway it up and down in your had (and also you can use a pippete as a tube for the "mouth to mouth")

I'm just thinking about what it must feel like to french kiss a giraffe... Have you SEEN their tongues?