The Kremlin is worried about the Crimean Bridge. Tourists wait to enter in 7 hour traffic jams while security searches for explosives. to – 68 points –
The Kremlin is worried about the Crimean Bridge. Tourists wait to enter in 7 hour traffic jams while security searches for explosives.

Tourists?!?! What is wrong with these people

Well, they are Russians. Where else are they going to go. Vladivostok? Arkangel?

The level of apathy that's been cultivated in Russia is truly astounding. That's starting to look like a very double-edged sword for the leadership, now that they want to fight a major war.

Come visit Crimea! A beautiful coastal paradise where you can wait in huge traffic jams to drive over a bridge that could explode! And while you sit on the beach you can watch your fellow countrymen get smoked by storm-shadows. You may have to evacuate at any time!

Can't wait until Ukraine just blasts the hell out of the bridge with a few storm shadows and then wipes out every Russian military unit in Crimea that can no longer retreat effectively.

It is nice to see rules 1 and 2 of the sub are enforced in this comment section

Russia doesn't play by the rules, so it has rescinded its right to be protected by them

ruscists are doing this just to prevent/delay the AFU from blowing the bridge.

Are they subtle enough to use delay tactics? I mean obvious illegal ones but still?

I wonder what they are buying with the time if it is so?

They just need to keep the bridge up for when the southern counteroffensive reaches Melitopol or Berdiansk. That bridge will be the only way for the ruscists to resupply, or escape.