about half my clicks on Jerboa or Connect end with errors?

lostferret@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 78 points –

As title says.

I'm on android and really want lemmy to work but it's just a hot mess on these two apps. Half the time i get errors: java errors, network errors, maintenance errors that all clear up if i back out a reclick or refresh a few times.

Anyone else getting these errors?


Your username shows that you're logged in on lemmy.world, which has issues with the overwhelming number of new users of the pasg days. You can either wait it out, or create a new account on the countless other instances. I would suggest one that is close to your geographic location.

That's most likely because you created an account on lemmy.world, which is currently overwhelmed by new users. You can try registering on another instance (they all have access to the same communities, I'm for example replying from a different instance than lemmy.world to your post on lemmy.world).

You can try checking for some instance here: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list

Awesome, thanks.

Do you also know how to get notifications that someone has replied to your post or comment? Ive been having to check manually...

Notifications don't work on Connect for me, but they do on other apps, like jerboa. All the mobile apps seem to be on beta stage, they all have quirks to get ironed out, try a few and see what suits you. Better apps (namely boost and sync) are imminent.

You can manually check notifications on Connect by opening the menu and selecting inbox.

I think it worked out of the box on Jerboa for me? Haven't tried Connect. But it should work, if it doesn't, it's probably the app's problem, not Lemmy in general.

Try a second account with a less popular server. Hit all. Same feed. Less or zero lag.

I’m having issues with liftoff for iPhone. I think we just have to wait until everything settles down a little.

I’m having issues with liftoff for iPhone. I think we just have to wait until everything settles down a little.

I was using liftoff with a lemmy.world account and it was terrible. lots of (badly handled) errors, but all the errors came from the app talking to lemmy.world. So I signed up at a smaller, more local instance (find yours at https://the-federation.info/platform/73), and now it's a mostly fast and error free experience. Lemmy has totally exploded after reddit's suicide, growing from 140K to over 2M users in just a few days.

I'm gonna be very frank with you, all the current Lemmy apps are below average to say the least. I'd wait for Boost and Sync to show up, maybe then things will get somewhat better.

True, I'm trying Jerboa and Connect but they are subpar... I created PWA on my phone and it's perfectly usable without a dedicated app.

I created PWA on my phone

That's probably the best alternative for now, I just wish I could hide the PWA icons on the app drawer though...

As someone else pointed put, Connect just had an update. I was getting errors all morning and went to check, sure enough an update was available. Cured all my issues 😃

I think it's a server issue (because of the influx of folks like us) more than the apps, which are just dumb clients for the API.

That said, you need get yourself on wefwef.app because it's the most polished one I've seen.