denim discourse

Alien Nathan to Lemmy – 76 points –

I have enjoyed witnessing jean memes getting downvoted shortly after being posted, only to see them again later with a majority of upvotes. There's still some steam in these jeans after all.

still some steam in these jeans after all

well of course there is. how do you think I got such sharp creases in them?

Lemmy user #1: “Stop posting Jean memes!”

Lemmy user #2: “Fine you post something then.”

Lemmy user #1: “No.”

I have a semi rule with trends like this (cause I did get tired of the jeans already). I watch the usernames and if I see is consistently one out two posters I'll just block them, but in this scenario it's a whole bunch so I just say, I must be getting old and move on lol