Key takeaways from Trump's Saturday wins in Missouri, Michigan and Idaho to politics – 9 points –
Key takeaways from Trump's Saturday wins in Missouri, Michigan and Idaho

Who cares? There are no "key takeaways" here. The only news I want to hear about this clown are his convictions.

There is one other piece of news about him that I'm looking forward to.

"Donald Trump swept a trio of states Saturday, inching his way closer to a formal grasp of the party’s nomination for president,” .

“Trump notched victories in Missouri and Idaho, and picked up more delegates at the party convention in Michigan. But none of these three state elections were primaries. All were caucuses, which limit turnout by requiring participants to arrive at a specific time and usually to stay for a certain period to participate in a more formal process.”

Wow. Intriguing. Please, tell me more about the differences between caucuses and primaries.


It doesn't matter. He's going to be their candidate. Haley isn't going to unseat him, because the news cycle rarely features her. Sure, she might pick up a couple states, but they won't be enough to change anything.

It's going to be Biden vs Trump in November. Might as well kick back, and let the news orgs squawk to themselves until then.