DOJ Unseals Previously Blacked-Out Sections From Trump Warrant Application to politics – 83 points –
DOJ Unseals Previously Blacked-Out Sections From Trump Warrant Application

The newly revealed paragraphs reveal that surveillance cameras showed boxes being relocated in the days before FBI and Justice Department investigators visited Mar-A-Lago.


Video evidence showing them hiding evidence seems like a pretty slam dunk way to get a warrant.

And his supporters will still defend him. "He had the right to do it!" "BIDEN!"

Forgot "Hunters laptop" and "Woke agenda"

Of course they will. What are they going to do? Admit they are wrong lol

Nothing proves mens rea like video footage of you hiding evidence before federal investigators show up.

Welp. This makes it pretty clear. And he will still somehow win the Republican primary…..disgusting.

Trump recorded himself committing felonies. How very Nixonian.

lol. This just keeps getting worse. Once the depositions start, Trump is going to say he personally kidnapped one of the FBI agents who was giving him trouble, and act like he doesn't know that's illegal.

He must have known they were coming, yet the idiot didn't have enough sense to turn off, or avoid the surveillance cameras.

The guy doesn't know what consequences are, having never encountered them.