SpaceX's Starlink internet satellites 'leak' so much radiation that it's hurting radio astronomy, scientists say to – 10 points –
SpaceX's Starlink internet satellites 'leak' so much radiation that it's hurting radio astronomy, scientists say

I want to see orbital radio telescopes, and massive dishes on the dark side of the moon. Until those are viable, I hope this interference doesn't cause too much of a disruption.

Access to the Internet is important, but not so much it ruins our night sky and our ability to explore the universe from home. And let’s be real, it’s not about Internet access here. Those satellites are Starlink and that turdbasket Elon Musk’s attempt to corner the market as much as possible, regardless of who it harms, or how much damage it causes. It’s capitalist bullshit, and should be kneecapped and regulated before it becomes a much bigger problem.

Musk is an idiot, but he is not all of SpaceX. The company has responded to astronomers' complaints about albedo and made numerous improvements to reduce the impact of their satellites. I would hope they do the same with this radiation issue.

The night sky is already ruined unless you drive an hour or two into the middle of nowhere. I really wish people took light pollution seriously.

As much as musk is garbage, starlink is a very real product and sorely needed. Because of starlink people in rural areas are able to have the same good access to the outside world as you and I.