touch rule to – 128 points –

Here is the auto-generated transcript (for research purposes only)

oh isn't it a beautiful day how cutie
the sun's bright the birds are singing
nicely it's a good as day as any to go
and touch
grass yeah I I know I know um it's
important though I need to go to the
store it's been a while and you know
replenish the
pantry um it'll be okay though I promise
I'll be back soon it shouldn't take too
long and no no you don't you please
don't come with me I can touch enough
grass for the both of us and I promise
I'll be back soon okay nothing bad's
going to
happen but in case I don't come back
please feed
mocha and take care of her for
no I've got to go now before I check it
out I'll I'll see you later okay you
just stay nice and safe inside
okay good
cutie all right that was easy got
everything I need yeah okay I've got to
hurry home now uh I've probably got to
switch out the cuties
bandages maybe we refill the ice pack
and ah goodness oh I didn't see that
puddle it was surprisingly deep and now
my boots are
muddy that's okay though once I get home
I can wipe them huh holy goodness
gracious why is no one watching where
they're going right now I almost dropped
the eggs all right well that's okay
anyways it's that a car please bra
out think I'm okay oh no not another one
the in my
ankles no please stop this way please no
happens I need to get
home if I can make it