[SwayFX] Minimal Gruvbox with Sway FX on Void

mac@infosec.pub to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 59 points –
  • SwayFX
  • Swaybar (hidden unless I'm holding down Alt)
  • NeoVim
  • Firefox
  • Zathura
  • feh (image viewer)

NeoVim & LaTeX with Zathura for viewing NeoVim in .sh, cmatrix, fetch.sh, cpipes, cbonsa Wallpaper with Swaybar NeoVim with Sway config, & feh


Really great aesthetic, nice stuff.

Btw, I'd recommend imv for an image viewer as it has native Wayland support (not that it's a huge deal, xwayland for an image viewer works fine, but I just like using native Wayland programs wherever possible)

Honestly I don't usually use an image viewer, I just needed to check which screenshots to upload as I accidentally took some extra ones.

Thank you for the suggestion though I'll keep it in mind should I need one again.

Looks great! What's your Neovim config?

It's a custom one using Lazy, and the material gruvbox theme it started based on Kickstart.nvim.

Sounds great! Is there a reason you can't share the repo? If you're not version-managing your dotfiles yet, I highly recommend chezmoi. It simply creates a git repo somewhere in .local/share and then lets you sync your home dir to that and the other way around, as well as diff etc.

Ah it's all just managed in GitHub with some Ansible playbooks which run all my setup tasks, it used to be a POSIX sh script and might be again one day but Ansible works really well.. You can see it here

Love the clean and consistent look and I'm a little jealous. Blur is the only thing I miss in Sway.

Yeah SwayFX has a really good blur, which is nice.