Was lucky to catch a photo of a Bumble Bee coming in for a landing

WhippetBowie@lemmy.world to pics@lemmy.world – 334 points –

Using Memmy, I see no pic. Am I doing something wrong?

I posted the pic and can't see it anymore 😕

Firefox browser, no photo. Any chance you could make a link to it in a reply? I wanna see it!

Same. I've tried three different ways of using Lemmy and can't see anything

Its working now. Im pretty sure this is because lemmy.world was breeched and they were cleaning up the instance at the time you saw the post.

Nice shot! I’m at a lavender farm today and tried to get a shot like this but couldn’t pull it off lol

Often when I'm out with Bowie (the dog) I try to get a shot of insects, I've had a lot of time to tweak camera settings and experiment. But when it comes to catching focus I usually just leave it to the auto focus gods and hope for the best, I think l deleted 100 shots to get this one.

Yeah I probably have a success rate close to 1000 - 1 for shots like this. The methodology is ‘spray and pray’ imo. Fortunately all digital photos cost is disk space

I'm a bit surprised. They love buzzing around our lavender. They also love the mint and California poppies that we have. I have seen a couple take naps in the California poppies.

Oh yeah the lavender field was flooded with honey and bumble bees. So many lol but they were very active and didn’t sit long. Plus I was just using an iPhone lol

Very cool, I love macros!

I'm just shooting with a 18-50mm zoom lens!

I've been tempted to get a proper macro, but then I'd need to build a Flash diffuser out of a Pringles can 😂

You can wing it with magnifying lenses that screw on too. They're not the best but you can get some cool results.

Lovely shot! I really like the colour composition, the colour scheme also kind of reminds me of old film

I've been posting a photo a day to Instagram for years. It's an unhealthy habit, but it's led me to be a little adventurous with color. Anyway glad it worked out this time.