Latest update on Proton Experimental fixes THE FINALS not working on machines with AVX512 to Linux – 48 points –

Wait, does this mean that you can actually play THE FINALS online with Proton, or does this just allow you to boot into the game? Last I checked the devs hadn’t allowed EAC on Linux yet, have they semi-recently remediated that on their end?

I've been playing Finals through Proton for the last 6 weeks no problem. Devs patched EAC for Linux a while ago.

Gotcha. Took a huge break at the tail end of s1 and just picked it back up yesterday so hadn’t realized.

Dont know exactly when they enable EAC for Proton but I was playing this game for more than 30 days without any issues. Clip from yesterday

Awesome, really glad to hear it. I just played Season 2 for the first time yesterday after taking a break from hundreds upon hundreds of hours on the closed betas, ob, and s1. I wasn’t really paying attention to patch notes or anything while I was taking a break so I didn’t realize.

I wonder what they fixed for Helldivers 2. All the bugs I’ve experienced happen to Windows users too.