Audio effects for Windows (Like Easy Effects) to Open – 22 points –

I am looking for an alternative to Easy Effects for windows. It works really well on my Linux machine, but I want something for my work machine that runs windows.

Any suggestions? I don't need all the filters, but at least something to correct the awful bass


Perhaps Equalizer APO might be what you're looking for. Served me well when I still used Windows. IIRC it's a bit more advanced, so not as "easy" as EasyEffects, but a great tool nonetheless.

This as well as its GUI are what I use. It is a bit annoying as you have to redo some steps after windows or driver updates.

I got away with the original UI, but might check out this one too

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After a day of using it, I can say that does the job. Thanks!

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Your job allows employees to install software on their work machines?

Yup. There is limitations still as some URLs are blocked like syncthing servers, but we're free to add what we want