Any date set for Canvas 2024 yet? to – 26 points –

There hasn't been much activity in this sub recently, and I'm curious if there are any updates. Do we have a tentative date yet?

I imagine it will take a few weeks to spread awareness of the event around the Fediverse, and for the various sublemmys to get organized...


There’s no announced date yet

I’m still keeping my plan of announcing the date 30 days before Canvas starts to allow for groups to form and whatnot

Progress updates are being put in the Canvas Matrix space and Discord server if you want to keep even more up to date

I’m finishing up my college classes this month so development will speed up once those are done

Good luck with your classes!

There's no date yet I believe, but you should join the canvas matrix chat for updates

I think something is happening in the Matrix space. I didn't take a close look tho