Developing a third party UI for a platform you use frequently feels like this sometimes

Admiral to Programmer – 194 points –

I watch too many videos on expensive guitar pedals I can't afford.

I'm "on the bench" at the outsourcing company I work for and I am starting to seriously consider going into DSP programming just so I can work on doing this to effects controls.

I want to make knobs available for this this this and this parameter.

I've had that feeling too but luckily bitwig makes a lot of that easily done natively.

Edit: I'd love to make a CLAP plugin someday though.

I do think we need a "tap" horn (thumb button) and an "I'm mad" horn (press/punch the middle of the steering wheel).

On some cars, the "courtesy honk" is all but impossible.

My car is like that. I've just stopped trying; it always comes out as angry honk. lol