Conservative Ad Makes Case for Transgender Rights

Anise (they/she) to – 80 points –
Conservative Ad Makes Case for Transgender Rights

This is the sort of messaging I would love to see more of. We aren't going to convince actual Nazis to change their minds but this is the sort of thing that should remind old-school Republicans that anti-trans legislation is anti-freedom legislation.


“My child is going to grow up to be a happy adult. He’s not going to be one of those kids that doesn’t come to see me or doesn’t bring my grandchildren around or doesn’t have anything to do with me as an adult because I forced them into a box that they didn’t fit into.”

This guy parents!

Yes. There is a major difference between old school Republicans (like my aunt) and hateful, radicalized MAGA Republicans. My aunt probably won’t vote for Biden, but at least she will never vote for Trump again. Ads that target that demographic are a brilliant idea.

It's absolutely better than the alternative, but I always feel like that kind of support comes with a caveat or implicit limit. Even in that ad, the narrator still argues for "parent's rights" as an alternative to "big government," rather than emphasizing his parental responsibilities.

I am 100% and unreservedly glad, though, to see that the organization itself is founded by a trans woman (

As an AnSynd this is one of the rare times I respect conservatives, no arguing "but I don't support this lifestyle" or any other fake "ally" arguments (although I don't like how he thinks parents should be the ones deciding if their kids can be Trans).

So tired of any one of us queer folk having to MAKE A CASE for OUR RIGHTS