Bluefish - HTML Editor So Easy That Your Grandma Could Use It

Music Nerd (pan) to Open – 20 points –

This software is easy to use thanks to its tags feature where all you have to do is click one button, enter the text you want displayed, and voila! Not only that, it also has wizards that make creating tables and other visual elements a breeze. It does have one drawback - no WYSIWYG, so no live previews of your html files.


I used it a lot years ago, I can confirm it's extremely easy, both using it an customizing it, I haven't seen another editor making it so straightforward and easy to setup your own color coding for example (I used that a lot for dokuwiki pages), but I thought that project was abandoned at some point so I switched to codium.

I see by your post that it's still being actively developed, I'll give it another shot, thanks for sharing.

For what it's worth I recently moved from Wordpress to Grav and I'm not looking back. It's a web server and the editor is built in but it's all markdown and fast as hell. The file system is flat and easy to understand. I'm smitten.

I've recently started using it to edit a web app, and even though it might seem like a simple feature, the mini file browser on the left that lets you open files to edit is a godsend. I was using Notepad++ on Windows, and never realised how often I was switching to the folder and back.