Prossimo project aims to replace memory unsafe C/C++ code with Rust to Open – 42 points –

The projects they want to make safer includes Linux, curl, sudo, among others.

Just found it and I think this will be interesting for this community.


I'm in my 40s, and finally decided to give C/C++ a serious go and try to learn them at a competent level after decades of putting it off, and now everybody wants to move to Rust.

Actually this is probably a good time for you to get into Rust, since everyone is still at the starting point (ish), and you, unlike others, don't have decades of C/C++ habits ingrained in you. So if you're starting off fresh, Rust is not a bad language to dip your toes into. :)

I'm at the level of finally understanding pointers, templates, and operator/function overloads and using them pretty effortlessly now. I looked at some Rust code. I'm not sure I have the brain plasticity to take that on at my age now without massive struggling.

That was me with PHP a decade ago. I was moving towards it as everyone was moving to JavaScript.

And honestly I'm gaining an appreciation for it all.

A few too many superlatives in their pitches for my taste. Not a bad idea overall, though the bias in favor of Rust is strong. Did it really become the go-to (heh) memory safe programming language for performance ?

Sounds good. Hopefully they also find some way to dynamically link libraries, to make the binary size and memory footprint smaller, compared to common rust programs.

What is this? Looks like a website filled with info about projects unrelated to it and gathering donations for unknown purpose.

Sounds awesome to me. And I like that they have such narrow (achievable) goals.