Light weight Local peer to peer file sharing application which has well to do client and host for android and linux. to Open – 20 points –

I want to do this kind of transfer.

host/client A:
          - file a
          - file b
          - file c
          - file d [host B][download]

host/client B:
          - file a[ host A] [download]
          - file b[ host A] [download]
          - file c[ host A] [download]
          - file d 

Also, I am not looking for syncthing, I need something which syncs meta data(not sure if this is the right word) not the actual files., and option to download individually or as per selection and run in background like KDE CONNECT.


I think what you are looking for is a network share. You can browse files and download the ones you want

except browse files,

I create a Directory, and that directory and it's files become available to network.

You mean like LocalSend, croc, Share via HTTP or ShareX?

I think I've found an app some time ago that was just setting up an HTTP file server, so you could share whole directories. But I didn't have use for it and I forgot the name

What you are looking for is local peer-to-peer file sharing. When I was studying, we used eMule, but that is for Windows and old. I don't have a concrete software suggestion, but looking around the gnutella protocol could be promising.

Edit: QuantumCogs suggestion is also good, the use cases are slightly different.

Resilio Sync

It has a selective sync option, so devices know what files are there (metadata), but only syncs them when you click on one and choose sync now.