Programming communities already exist to – 0 points –

Hello everyone, I was wondering why did we create another programming community besides the existing ones?




I'm sorry if this was already answered, I didn't manage to find a relevant post.


I won't parrot the reasons, I think other comments captured that.

However, I would MUCH rather share links in professional circles to something called that is specifically an instance about programming rather than "choose your random generic instance" that has porn, memes, shit posts, etc. and oh look, a programming community too.

To be fair, that is basically the same with reddit.

Absolutely, which is why I never linked to Reddit. So I'm already loving and prefferring lemmy over Reddit 100%!

Because we're in a period of rapid user migration and not everyone is aware of what communities already exist, or have a different idea about how they should be structured. After a couple months of people shifting between servers everyone will get settled and we'll see which communities will survive vs which ones will be determined to be redundant.