thca and dry herb vape communities to – 36 points –

There's a vaporent community and a vaporists community. Neither have been active for almost a year. It would be nice to have one of those going to see what everybody's using. I also miss the old old cult/ Franklin/thca groups from r/. Anyone interested in starting one of those?


I have a volcano and a script I wrote to control it via a tasmota power plug. Now my computer plays a clip of snoop dogg when I turn it on and when it's fully heated up. And it automatically turns it off at night if I forget to. I can turn it on from anywhere in the world. I think it's cool, but who cares?

I think it’s cool, but who cares?

We do! Please open-source it, king of stoner engineering!

(I use the Plenty from time to time, but it kinda sucks)

Ask and ye shall receive! I'm tacking a GPL 3 license to it. The plugs that play a sound after a delay won't work on Windows because I use fork(), but I don't use Windows because fuck Windows. It uses mpv to play sounds, but that is easily changed. AMA.

#!/usr/bin/env python
"Control my various tasmota devices. Licensed under GPL v3:"

import os
from time import sleep
import urllib.request
from json import loads
from subprocess import Popen

__all__ = ["Tasmota", "TasmotaWarmup", "TasmotaOffFirst", "DEVICENAMES"]

class Tasmota():
    "A tasmota device."
    def __init__(self, ipaddress: str, name: str=None):
        self.ipaddress = ipaddress = name

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<{type(self).__name__} { if else self.ipaddress}>"

    def _request(self, cmd: str) -> str:
        "make an http request to the device"
        return urllib.request.urlopen(f"http://{self.ipaddress}/cm?cmnd={cmd.replace(' ', '%20')}").read()

    def on(self) -> bool:
        "Turn the device on. return True if successful"
        return b"ON" in self._request("Power On")

    def off(self) -> bool:
        "Turn the device off. return True if successful"
        return b"OFF" in self._request("Power Off")

    def toggle(self) -> bool:
        "Toggle the device power. return True if power is now on, False if it's off"
        return b"ON" in self._request("Power Toggle")

    def status(self) -> bool:
        "return True if the device is on, False if it is off"
        return bool(loads(self._request("Status"))["Status"]["Power"])

class TasmotaWarmup(Tasmota):
    "Plays a sound when started, plays a sound after a waiting period."
    def __init__(self, ipaddress: str, name: str=None, warmup_time: int=None, on_sound: str=None, ready_sound: str=None):
        "warmup_time is seconds, on/ready_sound is the path to the audio file to play"
        super().__init__(ipaddress, name)
        self.warmup_time = warmup_time
        self.on_sound = on_sound
        self.ready_sound = ready_sound

    def _playSound(self, sound: str) -> None:
        "play a sound"
        Popen(["mpv", "--no-terminal", "--volume=60", sound])

    def _beginPowerOnSounds(self) -> None:
        "Play a sound when turning on and another sound when ready"
        if self.on_sound:
        if self.warmup_time and self.ready_sound:
            if __name__ == "__main__": # using this as a script, fork to background and return terminal
                if os.fork() == 0: # wait in the background for the warmup_time
                    raise SystemExit

    def _sleepAndPlay(self) -> None:
        "The actual sleeping and playing, to be run in a thread if needed."
        if self.status(): # if device is still on

    def on(self) -> bool:
        "Turn the device on and play sounds"
        if super().on():
            return True
        return False

    def toggle(self) -> bool:
        "toggle the status and play sounds if we're turning it on"
        if super().toggle():
            return True
        return False

class TasmotaOffFirst(TasmotaWarmup):
    "A Tasmota object that turns the device off first before turning it on"
    def _turn_off_before_on(self) -> bool:
        "Turn this device off first if it's already on when it's switched on"
        if not super().toggle(): # if toggling turned it off
        return True

    def on(self) -> bool:
        return self._turn_off_before_on()

class TasmotaAlwaysOn(TasmotaOffFirst):
    "This Tasmota class is always on; toggling it will turn it off briefly and then back on"
    def toggle(self) -> bool:
        "toggle this device off and then back on again"
        return self._turn_off_before_on()

DEVICENAMES = {"volcano": TasmotaWarmup("", "Volcano", 355, "/home/jt/.sounds/hold up hey.ogg",
                                        "/home/jt/.sounds/fill that bag up right now2.flac"),
                   "towel": TasmotaOffFirst("", "Towel Warmer", warmup_time=(20*60)+30,
                   "radiator": Tasmota("", "Radiator"),
                   "taco": TasmotaAlwaysOn("", "Taco")

if __name__ != "__main__":
    from threading import Thread # only needed when importing this module
    import sys, argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Control Tasmota wifi power plugs")
    parser.add_argument("devices", help="device(s)", action="store", nargs="*")
    operation_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    operation_group.add_argument('--on', '-n', help="power on device", action="store_true")
    operation_group.add_argument('--off', '-f', help="power off device", action="store_true")
    operation_group.add_argument('--toggle', '-t', help="toggle device power", action="store_true")
    operation_group.add_argument('--status', '-s', help="get status of device", action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Sanity checks
    if not args.devices:
        print(f"No device specified. Available devices are: {' '.join(DEVICENAMES.keys())}", file=sys.stderr)
    invalid = []
    for d in args.devices:
        if not DEVICENAMES.get(d):
    if invalid:
        print(f"Invalid device{'s' if len(invalid) > 1 else ''}: {' '.join(invalid)}", file=sys.stderr)
        print(f"Available devices are: {' '.join(DEVICENAMES.keys())}", file=sys.stderr)
    for d in args.devices: # gogo
        t = DEVICENAMES[d]
        if args.on:
            if t.on():
                print(f"{} turned on")
                print(f"Failed to turn on {}", file=sys.stderr)
                print(f"{} turned off")
                print(f"Failed to turn off {}", file=sys.stderr)
        elif args.toggle:
            print(f"{} turned {'on' if t.toggle() else 'off'}")
        elif args.status:
            print(f"{} is {'on' if t.status() else 'off'}")

That's crazy cool! Wouldn't mind seeing a pic or video.

That is wild, now I want a volcano. I'm more into handhelds and love my crafty+ but that's wild enough to make me think about buying one

Dude honestly the Volcano rules. I've had mine almost 20 years now and I've had a screw rattle loose and the plastic airflow button broke ($10 part) and that's it. I also bought a Crafty+ and I hardly ever use it. The Volcano is definitely smoother and I think hits harder. Plus you can see how heavy your dose is about to be as the bag fills. The power plugs I bought came out to like $10 each I think for a pack of 4.

I can turn it on from anywhere in the world. I think it's cool, but who cares?

Inb4 burglars care because it can be used to track when you're at home and when you're away on a holiday

I know the chances are far lower for custom stuff when compared to cheap IP cameras, but having anything open to the internet should leave you extra paranoid.

It's actually not open on the internet, it's only on my LAN. I ssh in to access it if I'm out which is rare so it's very safe. These Tasmota plugs are great because they use Free software firmware (which I updated from the web, not the manufacturer), I trust them a lot more than any other IOT device.

So start posting to vaporents instead of trying to make the 5th community on the same topic just because nobody posted in 3 months?

I am still in love with my Mighty+. You can get a Titanium mouth piece that is pretty sweet, but the rubber to keep it from falling out is garbage. I wrapped a little bit of gaffers tape around it, and that works much better. Otherwise, I use the plastic one.

I am not the type to buy large collections of dry herb vapes, but ever since my state went legal, the bud must flow. 😁

For sure the best session portable vape currently, the Venty might be better? I don't own one and I probably won't because I like my TM2, but I have heard good things about it. I wouldn't buy it till the venty+ model releases if they do that because the venty does have some kinks currently.

Yeah, I don't have any reason to switch either. It is so stoner friendly with the little vibration reminder, USB-C PD, and you can use it plugged in if you were dumb and never charged it. I am a simple woman. I do complicated shit all day at work, so the little things that should be simple can really matter to me.

Yes to both lol, the cult is toxic af but on Lemmy I think it'd be great! I've spent a frankly embarrassing amount on cult bud so I could contribute a shit ton to a cult community if we had one. I also try to keep up on the news for them and there would be 0 shilling here probably.

On to the vaporents side, I have a mighty+, (sadly collecting dust, I need to sell it so it gets used, great unit), a tinymight2, and I just pre-order the vapvana screwball that I am super excited for. So I could also make some OC content for that side but not nearly as much as a cult sub. Like you said that one's dead currently and I don't buy vapes like bud.

I suppose for now we could just do all of this on trees? I thought about it but I think long term it may be better to start these communities? Not sure TBH but I would love to see em both!

What are the Old old cult and Franklin?

The thca subs from r/. 40% reviews and sales and 60% shit talking.

Damn accurate description

Discord was the better community imo. The Frank tank. I’d love to see something flourish here!

I couldn't get into discord because it seemed like you had to wade through pages of crap and jokes to get to real info. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

That’s accurate and fair tbh.

I also don’t get unwell with discord.

I have nothing against it, but the user interface just doesn’t work well with my psyche.