STOP RIGHT THERULE to – 195 points –

An Oblivion Imperial Watch guard in Lake Rumare with only his head above the water, and his mouth half in the water talking to you with the classic Oblivion NPC zoom-in and direct eye contact: Stop right there, sweet angel! Nobody talks bad about their self on my watch! I'm confiscating your bad vibes. Now love yourself or it's off to jail. (I did not make this me-me)


Jokes on you. I'm the Grey Fox and you'll never catch me!

A classic Oblivion zoomed-in NPC interaction with Hieronymus Lex, a guard who wants to make captain: You're the Gray Fox! You're worthy of love for... for... all kinds of stuff! You're wanted, appreciate,d and seen. I'm choosing to enjoy your presence.

(Took me a bit to get to comp to make this one, but no one escapes the long arm of the love - not even the Grey Fox!)

I just want to say - I sincerely appreciate you! You're a nice person, internet stranger, and I hope you are having a good day.