184 Post – 334 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You have to sign up for the in stock notifications, annoying but it works in a delayed fashion. Sad it does enable scalpers.

I do use it to hold internet-exposed things in LXC containers to sidestep having to figure out how to not run things as Docker root.

You do not need it for everything, but since it’s not an OS that makes it your everything, that’s ok! Run Docker containers as you need, put internet-exposed ones in an LXC container, put home assistant in a VM because it’s special.

Ah, I was wondering which one you updated and it made your containers inaccessible!

You are clearly mistaken. When the cat 5 titties started heaving they caught your attention, by design. Akin to Frank Lloyd Wright-esque compression and release, the show up to now was staffed by thin and tall women and her breasts were bound (compression) and then they slammed her into lower cut dresses that strained to hold them in (release). Booba is a major plot point, and boy do they heave. Praise shondaland

Incus or Proxmox (e.g., should I shift to Incus LTS or something?)

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then you hear her Irish accent and it’s over

Incus is way easier to work with than Proxmox, and it sits on your OS of choice instead of being the OS you must use. For home use it’s way easier to use with the web ui, it even has clustering if you want to go hard.

So you can install Incus when you want a VM/LXC container and not have to commit to a VM/LXC container OS from the start.

Also Proxmox free just had a bad update that björked some stuff if you updated when it was live. Proxmox free is rolling and apparently lacks basic sanity checks for updates.

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Tumble gonna tumble

It is called an eyebot, I promise :) just drop the “mommy dommy”. I didn’t interpret the me-me as being ED-E because ED-E doesn’t talk afaik but other eyebots do spout fascist propaganda (at least in later games…)

Dommy mommy eyebot

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Your budget is really near a Unifi dream router. Your family is gonna be way happier with you (0 downtime) and it’ll give you extender options if you ever need it. Unifi is good enough and they update regularly, just disable cloud access stuff and you’re good.

Otherwise you want Opnsense instead of Openwrt. The upgrade process for Openwrt is not automatic, while Opnsense is. Worth it not to have to dote on your router.

And you should get an access point (Unifi something or Tplink Omsomething), wifi is problematic with openwrt and I’m not sure if opensense even lets you do it (haven’t tried).

And you’ll need a switch, dumb or managed, up to you if you want VLANs. The Opnsense box will have just one LAN port, so it requires a switch if you want to plug more than one thing into it. A switch with PoE+ can power the access point directly.

Opnsense needs x64 arch (Intel or AMD CPUs), get a small thin client like a Dell Wyse 5070 extended or HP T730 or that mentioned Fujitsu Futro S720 (its CPU is old tho, you can do better). There may be newer thinclients, you just want a mini PCIe slot to install some Intel gigabit card from eBay with 2 ports. Google power efficient gigabit mini PCIe card - there’s an older model that sucks power and a newer one that doesn’t suck; if you go more than gigabit skip 2.5 on Intel unless you google hard and expect extra power draw. Very limited point to 4 port cards, just go higher gigabit speeds don’t think about multiplexing ports or whatever it is called; and switches switch better than the router can and remove CPU overhead for more actual routing work - 2 port card is the way.

Slap Incus (superior but newer, less guides, LXD is previous name if googling stuff) or Proxmox (good enough, more guides for this) on it, make a VM and pass through the 2 ports of the PCIe cards, slap Opnsense in the VM. Make an LXC container and slap Debian on it and spin up the Unifi controller for your AP. Another container for adguard home or pi hole and you’ve got a box that does the basic nets all in one. The built-in port on the thin client is how you will access the underlying OS, it gets plugged into the switch you’ll have to get. If you got something with 2 gigs of RAM and an AMD Geode/GX or aged Intel Atom CPU I’d just only do Opnsense no hypervisor stuff.

Sorry for the info dump but there’s a lot of angles!

But really, the Unifi dream router is much easier and solves it all-in-one. You need 3 pieces (router, wifi access point, Ethernet switch) for a good experience otherwise.

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Based only clicking through to Luigi

I’d guzzle

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You def get it Ur blasted, leaving the club at close with yo best bitches, and you’re responsible so you get ya ride. The app says ya ride is a Kia Chevy Juke and y’all’s abs cooked but one of yous is tryin hard cause you n yo best bitches don’t wanna get kidnapped Also you hit the club in March so it’s cold af at 4 am

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Anyone who thinks someone who has the wherewithal to vote uncommitted to protest the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel in the Democratic-only primary but not realize that the fascist republican party is significantly worse than Biden for the general election is arguing in bad faith.

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Furiously masturbating on a train too, I see

Yea he got a soul now, I would be too 😩😩

emgimneer rule

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Indeed, but it is a common notion that fossil fuels include substantial dinosaur. Therefore this me-me is amusing keeping that in mind

B stronk🫡

Tbh engineering, least aero, is mostly spreadsheets But I gotta keep deriving crap in physics, you think you’ve derived it all but you haven’t they just keep making more physics or some shit (wolfram alpha is bae)

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It is clear within the US that the uncommitted movement is grossly misunderstood outside of the people who care to engage with anti-genocide protest efforts. Because the main stream media did not cover it effectively up to the primary election and barely covered it after.

It is also clear that people from other countries do not understand the US primary system at all.

For Democrats, voter turn out is what matters. And that the “uncommitted” vote does not beat Biden. The uncommitted vote will not beat Biden since no news orgs covered it well so few know about it unless previously involved in anti-genocide efforts. Only Democrats can vote in the US Democrat primary, so high primary turnout shows how many democrats are willing to vote for Biden come election AND the uncommitted vote shows an easy tally of how many people were moved enough to discover the uncommitted vote movement and take part to support ending the genocide of the Palestinians.

If you see actual astroturfing, fascists-in-leftist-clothing calling for an uncommitted vote in the general, tell them to “fuck off tankie”.

In the US general election there will be no “uncommitted” option, showing that they are out-of-state fascists. Tell them to eat shit loudly and do not engage further with the fascies.

The US general election is serious as the republican challenger is the fascist bitch who tried to overthrow the government. But the genocide of the Palestinians is also serious, they’re actually dying by the thousands and after you die you’re dead it’s donezo, and anyone should be able to realize that that’s horrendous

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Wow gross you’re into MILFs?? Hot MILFs with mommy milkers???? Mature dommy mommy MILFs???!??????? Disgusting!

double dog dare u to rev up IE and download mcfee from like major geeks and Norton from like cnet and have them fight

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Ditch it, the Surface Pro 4’s are cursed via shit manufacturing.

Its screen will fail sooner or later . I had one, it started flickering after the “extended” warranty. The display is useless now. Nothing fixes it. At first the flicker stopped if something on the screen moved, so I used this to mitigate it. But within a day or two it was worse. I tried a reduced refresh rate, but that did not help by then. It quickly got worse when in use, within minutes after a week of the flickering starting. A used one is just pre-accelerated to its demise.

Replacing the screen - even opening the device - is egregiously dangerous because the screen often cracks when taking it apart. Microsoft abs sucks for making a device that can’t last when it clearly should. (Not to say anything about your specific problems! It sounds like the battery needs to be replaced, but it can run without a battery as far as I know so not sure why it can’t power up with it heavily depleted)

Edit: if you’re going to remove the sceeen, replace the battery and replace the screen with a surface pro 5 screen. They sell them. The batteries get fucked quick cause the heat sink cooks them, so it’s prob the battery causing your problems (mine had shit battery life at its end too)

Here is a blurb from Reddit describing what to get (ifixit apparently sells a surface pro 5 screen as well if you want one degree better than direct China): My advice, if you have a Surface Pro 4 with an Samsung Panel is to replace for an LG Screen from Surface Pro 5/6. You need to buy this LCD cable too for that conversion: M1010537-003

You can check in the device manager which LCD panel you have on your Surface

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The US has an outsized influence on Israel. The US bankrolls Israel, and provides weapons. The US provides $4 billion annually for Israel to buy weapons, guaranteed cash for the military. The US is the main trading partner with Israel and provides loans with really low rates. US firms open factories in Israel (like Intel) via direct subsidies to boost the Israel economy. Edit: this was just ran today*/

The US is clearly in a proxy war with many factions in the Middle East via Israel, as the US props up and enables Israel. The US literally was in a proxy war with the Soviet Union when Israel and Egypt were duking it out. Israel being the US’s proxy in the Middle East did not end just because the Soviet Union ended.

The US (and Biden) has major responsibility, is directly linked, and could exercise a lot of the influence the US pays for to halt the genocide of the Palestinians.

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Purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple nurple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple please ban me mommy.

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Alas, I am potato

Narrator: The Origin GENESIS Elite Desktop Gaming PC had a positive RGB coefficient at low GAMING output. Due to a phenomena known as FPS poisoning (a 12 y.o. called you a slur in CS:Go), the Origin GENESIS Elite Desktop Gaming PC had reached low GAMING output. In response, the control fans were slowed. The positive RGB coefficient effect kicked in, and the control fans could not spin up fast enough. The Origin GENESIS Elite Desktop Gaming PC reached critical GAMER levels and exploded.

least horny 196 user🫡

Daniel from Fallout NV with his oversized hat

An Oblivion Imperial Watch guard talking to you with the classic Oblivion zoom-in stare: Stop! You violated your self worth. Pay your mental health a fine break or serve yourself a treat. Your negative thoughts are now forfeit.

uuuugghhHGLBRLRLRLRLRBLRLRLRRRRRRRRrrrrr… drip - gravy cat

You careen right into being priced out of living with that argument. If you are pegged at a constant wage, that was theoretically enough when it was introduced, for more than a decade while the cost of living rises continuously, then you will be priced out of… living.

And that’s not ethical; fake number money should ultimately serve ensuring acceptable lives instead of keeping the cost of living from rising even farther past unlivable. It‘sa already unlivable - it doesn’t matter if it’s 10% over unlivable or 100%, it’s still an unlivable minimum wage.

Money is very evil for people with little of it. There’s a minimum you need to live. If you are under it, you may not live anymore. If you are just over it, you barely survive. If you make three times it, everything is fine. It gets worse from there (like ten times lets you buy a home and accrue equity while not bleeding money to renting housing, and your mortgage is lower than comparable rent to boot).

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You gonna kick the tankies out of 196? Cause I can barely guzzle with fascists denying Holodomor here (guzzlin’ glizzies in memory of those who can’t)

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Of course it happened in a blahaj-less meme page 😞