Android App for tagging locations on a map? to – 15 points –

I'm searching an android app to mark the locations of multiple parked cars. It should be possible to mark different cars somehow to identify them. It would also be cool if there is a feature to share the location with someone on another devica (like a sync between users, NOT copy of coordinates or link on maps

In other words, I need an app to tag multiple locations on a map. It doesn't require to be designed for parked car locations. The app must have these features:

  • GPS Tracker with map
  • support to tag multiple locations
    • mark them somehow uniquely (like note, category, color, icon, ...) The following features would be nice to have:
  • sync with other devices, for example family
  • history of locations
  • set date/time since location is active (can be timestamp)

I'm ok with paying/ ads or require to self host.


ATAK would work, but you'd need a TAK server to share location data with other devices. FreeTAK is nice. Though it's a bit much if all you're trying to do is share location among family and don't need a whole-ass TACNET lol.

Otherwise Owntracks might fit the bill better. It hooks up to a MQTT network and you can use something like node-red to pretty easily pop that into a dashboard map if you're not running something like Home Assistant.

Only thing I'm not sure about with Owntracks is the list of location points, but you could use Tasker or something to publish the coordinates to a different MQTT topic than the one your phone is posting to.

Thanks for your reply!

ATAK may be a nice piece of software but the wrong app for my use case. It offers too many features I won't need, and the setup for it to work is probably too complicated.

I looked into Owntracks (just the app, haven't installed the server yet) and it looks more of what I was looking for. I tested the list of locations, but the location only gets displayed as coordinates and not on the map. Eventually, I will see some more features when having a server, but idk. Is there like a public server, so I can play around before putting too much time in installing the server?

I feel like i commented on this / something similar. But what about a free Nextcloud account / Nextcloud server with Maps and one of the many Location apps that use Nextcloud. Next tracks , Maps Geofavourites etc. that are available via Fdroid?

Ohh that sounds great since I want to set up a nextcloud server anyway in the near future. I searched in the app marketplace of nextcloud for an app but haven't found anything matching...

Not sure if it fits your particular use case, but have a look at OwnTracks.

On Owntracks I only see the option for sharing the coordinates. They don't get displayed on the map with an icon or something similar. I have to manually put the coordinates in google maps to see the location

You can set it up so it does. It requires an mqtt-server though. When I am out walking, my partner can get my location live, with a little icon and everything.

But as I said, it might not fit your use case. I figured I'd mention it in case you got a good idea or something. :)

But does this also work for saved locations and not only the location of the device? Since the device location won't be the car location most of the time, I need the saved location synced and displayed, not the device location.

You can update the location only when the device is there. Or you could use a script or program of some kind to change the location when necessary, but I don't know tools like that exist yet, so it might be too technical


There wasn't an app called osmplus, but OsmAnd. It is kind of what I searched, except I haven't found a feature for sharing with my family. But thanks for your reply, it is the best app I tried so far.

Ah yes correct, OsmAnd. Sharing should work manually, but not automated I guess?

I have 2 sharing options: via Link or file. But I need a sharing option where I don't have to manually create and send to others.

Osmand is my favorite app for on/offline multimap navigation gpx poi etc. BUT much features means much to learn for the user. So some other app may the better for you.