
1 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Correction: Using NVidia GPU on openSUSE experience

this was something I loved about slashdot moderation. When voting, people had to specify the reason for the vote. +1 funny, +1 insightful, +1 informative, -1 troll, -1 misleading, etc.

That way you can, for example, set in your user preferences to ignore positive votes for comedy, and put extra value on informative votes.

Then, to keep people from spamming up/down votes and to encourage them to think about their choices, they only gave out a limited number of moderation points to readers. So you'd have to choose which comments to spend your 5 points on.

Then finally, they had 'meta moderation' where you'd be shown a comment, and asked "would a vote of insightful be appropriate for this comment" to catch people who down-voted out of disagreement or personal vandetta. Any users who regularly mis-voted would stop receiving the ability to vote.

I don't think this is directly applicable to a federated system, but I do think it's one of the best-thought-out voting systems ever created for a discussion board.

edit: a couple other points i liked about it:

Comments were capped at (iirc) +5 and -1. Further votes wouldn't change the comment's score.

User karma wasn't shown. The user page would just say Karma: good. Or Excellent, or poor, or some other vague term.

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If you don't care about the benefits of Gentoo, such as the excellent use flags system, then no it's very much not worth it.

If you'd rather that every program comes compiled with every possible option, and requires every possible dependency because of this, then you'd be better suited by a binary distro.

If, however, you're the kind of person that wonders "why does my torrent client support sound, which pulls in these five audio dependencies? I don't ever need it to make noise, can't I just disable the ability for torrents to go 'bing' when they're done and forego installing those dependencies?", then gentoo might be for you.

How are you installing apps?

Can you give an example of the issues you had with a specific app?

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The purpose of a guillotine is to deliver energy

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IMO Ubuntu has been the best bet for linux on the desktop since about 2006.

They occasionally do things people dislike, but it's always easy to pick a different flavour (Xubuntu and Ubuntu-mate are great examples IMO), and the underlying distro is reliable and stable.

I'm also a big fan of LTS releases, and supported upgrade paths between them.


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I don't think you're missing out on much. Most aren't even lemmy instances.

I received this reply about this from Alyaza:

this is because we started using a heavily curated blocklist for the worst mastodon instances (they can interoperate with us). we didn’t expect any trouble from any of them, but any instance in the new batch of banned instances can be safely assumed to be quite bad and it’s better to be proactive than not.

link https://beehaw.org/comment/176651


checking into a few of the listed blocks now... most of them don't seem to be operating anymore.

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What do you mean by “not doing anything during and after install” re Gentoo?

Your computer isn’t held hostage during compilation of that was your impression

I wrote two phrases. Nobody needs to write an essay, they're just backlogged.

Also don't write anything offensive. I've heard they've gotten some pretty crazy submissions. If you drop any slurs in your application you probably won't make the cut.

Video ads will run on the primary Uber app while users wait for their drivers to arrive and during their trips, said Mark Grether, vice president and general manager of Uber Technologies’ advertising division. They will also appear on tablets installed inside certain Uber cars.

The Uber Eats app will play video ads after customers place orders and continue until their deliveries arrive; Drizly will run them in search results on its app and website as well as other areas of the site.

Why do they think anyone will leave the app open after ordering, if it just plays ads nonstop? Is the idea that each time they load it to check their order status an ad starts playing?

Audio for ads on the company’s apps will be muted by default, while users will need to manually turn off the audio and display components of the in-ride tablets, according to Grether. Ad inventory will initially be sold directly to buyers in the form of brand takeover packages, with only one company’s ads running during any single ride or transaction.

In-car tablets with audio-enabled ads for a single company on repeat. Poor poor drivers.

I bet the first thing a driver will say once a patron gets in is "you can click this button right here to disable the ad (please please please)"

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Monitors are effectively always in 'filmmaker mode', as they don't do frame interpolation and colour grading and over-scanning and all the stuff that filmmaker mode disables.

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Yes. Though it doesn’t have to be cheese. Carrot will grate just as well.

Ventoy is the easier answer these days IMO. Just drop ISOs on your Ventoy'd usb key and choose them from a menu at boot time.

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Unrelated but also kind of related: check out bedrock Linux. It’s a trip.

It lets you ‘hijack’ a Linux install and then you can use package managers and packages from other distros. It’s magical how well it works.

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Those posts were made by local LW users, and can only be seen by local users of that instance.

Compare it to the real thing https://beehaw.org/c/news

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If you really want to confront the madness:



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Worst case of this solution is you might have to wait before watching your video. It wouldn't be unreasonable for google to refuse to send you the video until $ad_duration has elapsed.

Still beats watching ads though. I could queue up a bunch in a "watch later" playlist and have a program get them all ready for me.

Beep beep

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warcraft 2

lolol. great hint. I read it in that voice

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IMO that's because a majority of reddit users didn't use the internet in the pre-reddit days. Reddit's been around for 17 years, and mostly has a young (teens to 20s) userbase.

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No operating system meets those criteria, open source or commercial.

For sure, if you want the raw unadulterated experience of the fediverse, that's definitely the right choice.

Personally, I'm not looking to engage with the type of people who flock to 'uncensored' spaces, so I appreciate the admins filtering them out.

Unpopular opinion around these parts, I imagine, but I bought a family sub.

Me and 5? 6? other people get ad-free viewing, the creators get a little more for our views, and no worries about finding ad-blocking youtube viewers for my in law's smart-tvs or my idevices.

I considered IRC back in 1994, liked it, and never left.

That said, I don't find it very good for piracy these days, as things have moved on from the days of fserves and xdcc bots being the best thing around.

Not who you responded to, but I have a similar setup using ZFS.

6 drives in raid 6, and then an SSD cache.

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A more general answer: Meals without meat.

For some reason this really confuses people, and often makes them concerned or upset.

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Same, though I also enjoyed guayadeque for a period.

They'll probably just use it anyway, unfortunately.

Now that we've given them the data, there's not much we can do.

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Yeah, it's because of the de-federation.

A cached copy of the community exists on the remote instances, and users are able to engage with it.

It seems de-federation stops the updates, but doesn't remove remote copies of the communities. It's not really an ideal situation, as I'm sure many users don't realize they're not engaging with the real community.

I've actually seen some posts to that effect: "oh defederation isn't so bad, I can still see everything / post". Those users will be in for a surprise in a day or two when they realize.

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I don't think it's strange.

Moderating online communities can be a lot of work. And Beehaw is really trying to maintain civili friendly discourse here.

Part of maintaining civility (without tons of moderating power) is limiting conversation topics where different members are passionately on different sides.

The philosophical implications of the word 'veganism' aren't always obvious to those from outside vegan spaces, which is why I suggested 'plant based' as an alternative phrasing.

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Definitely worth a try for anyone curious.

I’ve been dual booting it since their earlier releases and things are surprisingly smooth now.

Yeah I think it was just Noah. Chris hosted a news podcast for a while that treaded into some conspiracy areas, but wasn't right-wing.

Either way I find their current setup pretty good at staying away from politics unless they're directly related to the technology conversation at hand.

Exactly what my name promises, no story.

A lot of people never got the swap trick message it seems. Especially the quad-swap that worked on later consoles.

It was my main method, but I’ve talked to a surprising number of people who told me it didn’t exist/work

Watching the video this cheat code method seems more complex

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part of the issue, imo, is that creators also put ads in their videos. So you get two pre-roll ads, a sponsor segment, an ad in the middle, and then another sponsor segment. Maybe throw in some product placements as well. And one of those ads might be 1.5 hours long if you don't manually skip it. I know I'm not the only one who woke up after falling asleep to a video to find themselves 45 minutes into some ad.

After living with ublock and sponsorblock for so long, it's shocking to watch youtube without them.

I don’t understand why race is important in a medium where we can’t see each others.

I think it matters if the demographics of the site skew strongly from the demographics of the countries represented, as that suggests something about the site might be offputting to certain people.

Though I don't think this is the case based on the results?

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The cheaper option would be to set up an ad-hoc tv-to-tv network. You might not let your TV talk to the internet, but I bet your neighbour does, or if not, then their neighbour will.

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If your goal is to run Linux, do some normal desktop stuff, and try some games, you will do no programming.

There's a good chance you won't need the command line either (at first, anyway).

Linux is a very deep lake, but you don't need to buy scuba gear and learn underwater welding if you're just looking to spend a sunny day at the beach.

Pop!_OS is a great place to start. I suggest just getting the ISO and having a go. If you need help, start by reading the official guide:


I always suggest starting with the official documentation. If you ask people on forums, it's hard to tell who is a beach-goer, and who spends their days in scuba gear salvaging sunken ships.

For sure.

This is definitely a situation that could be handled better by the lemmy code.

It probably depends on your area, but where I'm at there are no sale conditions. If you put conditional on home inspection, you just got rejected.