Reddit CEO Triples Down, Insults Protesters, Whines About Not Making Enough Money From Reddit Users to World – 384 points –
Reddit CEO Triples Down, Insults Protesters, Whines About Not Making Enough Money From Reddit Users

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They'll probably just use it anyway, unfortunately.

Now that we've given them the data, there's not much we can do.

If you're in the EU have a look at Art 15&17 GDPR. I'm so gonna have fun with them...

I tried nuking mine and they restored everything. At least I have the power not to give them anything more.

I keep running Power Delete Suite and the comments keep getting restored. Pretty shifty of them.

Is shreddit working to do a mass edit? That is what I am thinking of doing.

Maybe try to replace everything with various lengths of ipsum dolor to try to fool whatever detection reddit is using. Over a period of a few days too.

I'm really not sure which approach is best. kbin has a whole reddit migration community, you might find some answers there. I've only used PDS and I think you can leave parting words with it, too.