49 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Alt Lemmy account =

This was asked today in another community, but still happy to share my favorites in hopes that others will enjoy:









All versions of TodayILearned (,,,


Any my personal (certainly non-biased) favorite


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According to that post's comments, our community/lemmy also comes up early in searches on Yahoo, Bing, and Duckduckgo! Wooooo!

I'm going to look at it like pizza. Pizza is great. Good pizza is awesome. Meh pizza still does the job. Bad pizza is extremely rare.

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I guess it could be 8 or 11. Production season 8, broadcasted season 11.

If you do a search for "Futurama new season" you will get results with one or the other.

Thanks for all who were interested. I chose mods based on interaction in this community and involvement in other communities, and used that info to appoint those individuals who I believe best fit the nature of this sub.

We are all strangers on the internet and mostly only been here for a few days so let's give it a go and see where it takes us. Looking forward to the adventure with you all!

PS - Happy Fryday (insert Kif groan here)

Like Fry. Like Fry.

For no raisin.

Yep. I just deleted all posts, comments, and my account.

Is it a talking tattoo?

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Under the seat.

I thought this episode was very enjoyable. I loved the kids' personalities and connections with all their family members. The scene with the Grand-Midwife with the emergence of the spawn was my favorite along with the tardigrades. I am happy to see some of the non-main characters in the spotlight, although I know many folks may disagree. Overall am happy with the quality of this season. It is difficult to compare to other seasons as each one is a representation of their time and the amount of time that occurred between each season.

I didn't notice anything until you mentioned something. I don't think it's intrusive. I always appreciate your posts/memes (even on the other communities). Keep doing you!

Blood pressure in relationship to fluid. Just like a water hose. More fluid = more pressure.

You win again gravity.

I changed it to English and Undetermined. Let me know how that works for you

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I love how it was a nod to Black Mirror

I'd have to say the Professor. His nature and lines are beautifully chaotic. You can never predict how he would react to a situation.

Example: his business plan

"I keep it here, right next to my heart. 'This isn't a business plan, it's an escape plan..' So long, suckers!"

I love his crazy inventions and how his age and senility play into everything.

It's funny because I am making a joke about being an adult Meh, you kids wouldn't understand.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome

After reading over I think you very well could be onto something.

Highlights from that site that follow this notion:

  • They were capable of magically consuming a humanoid creature's mind and memories from a distance of up to 10 feet (3 meters), provided that creature had a brain and succumbed to its psychic assault. If so, the victim's mentality was deteriorated. In the worst case, the victim's intellectual capacity was completely erased, leaving them dazed or stunned and ultimately incapacitated.

    • What happened to Earth beings except for Fry
  • To aid in hunting, an intellect devourer could detect the minds of sentient creatures up to a distance of 300 feet (91 meters), determining both presence and position. -In the infosphere they were not able to detect Fry's brainwaves due to his "nasty in the past-y" affecting his brain.

  • Despite their exposed brains, an intellect devourer was protected by a crusty covering or clear membrane and was resistant to physical harm.

    • Fry was only able to hurt them by thinking

While they are supposed to have legs and claws, there is a illithid talent that they could fly.

Otherwise, the rest of the lore seems exclusive from the Futurama brains.

Knowing the intellect and geekiness of the writers, I agree that there is possible connection between the two. For the sake of creative licencing, I am sure if it was their intention to make them intellect devourers, they made the changes they did for the show. Thanks for sharing 😊.

Yes!. Although I was hoping to see the era of "when mankind was enslaved by giraffes"

I am currently enjoying wefwef, jerboa, and thunder the best. Liftoff is good, but not connecting with all instances (, etc). I have tried connect, not my style. Personally am waiting for Sync, was my favorite on reddit.

Oooh! Come post this @ ! The community will love it!

Was that the Star Trek Wars or the Star Wars Trek?

Actually there's a bunch of posts in the community. However, yesterday I was visiting the instance, I too was only able to see a singular post from this community. Again, must be a bug in communication between fediverse instances. Hopefully, it will improve as things are growing and changing. In any case, welcome to the community!

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Only one that doesn't do anything for me is the bottom one. Android using chrome PWA

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I like that theory! And it makes his son's birth and growth into adulthood a viable concept. Thank you for sharing.

I feel that Leela represents the superego, whereas Fry is the ego and Bender is the id. They tend to balance each other out.

Reposted from by @P34C0CK

Varies on who you ask, but it looks like both agree on Season 8.


FOX: Seasons 1-4

Movies: Season 5

Comedy Central: Seasons 6-7

Hulu: Season 8


FOX: Seasons 1-5

Comedy Central: Seasons 6-7

Hulu: Season 8


Used to have a huge crush on Brendan Fraser back in the mid-late 90's. He made some funny movies back in the day this was not one of them.

There's no such thing as two


That was the one part of the episode I didn't care for. I assumed they put it in to either reminde folks of how Kif got pregnant or introduce the story to those who missed that episode. Regardless, it could have been done in a manner that was more creatively written.

I was actually frustrated at that inconsistency myself. Then you have the vending machine baby. Do robots age? Well his son apparently went through puberty and everything. I don't mind suspension of disbelief or shows that use multiple timelines to explain things (looking at you Star Trek), but here we are left without any explanation with two completely different, viable realities.

One of our Futurama mods @Alchemy had you covered !

Interesting.... Odd.... Maybe too much work but appreciate you sharing the link

Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?

(Specifically when encountering unruly children and the parents do nothing to control them.)

Simple and tasty. I like it :)

I am curious to see if/how they age the characters.

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