To all the new(er) Reddit refugees!

Awa@lemmy.worldmod to Futurama – 2733 points –

Welcome to the fediverse!


First time posting after 9 solid years on Reddit. Thanks for the welcome

12 years for me and i'm kicking myself for letting myself get so entrenched after i had experienced the same thing before; fediverse, here i come! lol

Now time to do the same thing here hahaha! Reddit 2:.the quest for more money. Seriously when is that movie coming out?

First time I've seen a comment so good that not only does it get upvotes, it has a negative number of downvotes,

Anyone know how that is even possible?

I havent looked at code, so i can only guess. Just before you looked at it, i clicked downvote. I realise my mistake and unclick/click it again. The local server we're browsing on (Server A) sends the downvote to the server the post was made on(Server B), but it also temporarily adjusts it local figure for a while until it can refresh from the server the post was made on. Last it knew server B had a tally at 0 downvotes, so it goes negative. (If Server A had a downvote figure of 4, the same process would have shown 3 to you)

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I am here now. Just signed up. Mod of /r/bicycling, /r/sanfrancisco, and a few other smaller subs. The whole thing is a mess right now, so I wanted to see if there are greener pastures here. Any tips are welcome. I literally have no idea what I'm doing.

#fediverse is nicer then reddit. Dosen't have that superiority complex!

I think we are still figuring out sophisticated mod tools, but the community is nice, the admins are awesome, and everyone seems to be pretty much on the same page about an open and cooperative internet.

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I wasn't thrilled at the idea of leaving Reddit after 14 years but some things cannot be avoided. My first post here on Lemmy. Thank you for the warm welcome!

I've been here a week or two now. It's going better than Voat did for me when I last tried to leave Reddit. That was full of alt-right crazies basically, but so far here, people have been lovely.

This seems like the first thing with enough critical mass to get going, what with reddit and twitter sulimultaneously imploding faster than a poorly constructed submersible craft. It's not driven by political outrage so much as the old platforms making themselves unusable and forcing healthy users off their platforms.

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My goodness me. This place rocks. Like the way the internet used to be. Fuck corporate greed. Fuck ads. Fuck egocentric dictatorships. And hello to The Future.

When will we get our own persistently-broken video player? That's super important for my quality use experience.

Thanks, so far Lemmy is looking like an interesting place with good vibes all round!

So far. Once it becomes completely mainstream, all the bad people will come in as well, imo. It do be like that with every community, sadly.

When that happens its time to migrate again

Closed Reddit account and embarking on this new adventure with lemmy.

I sense a real opportunity for the Fediverse off the back of Reddit and third party apps porting across.

If the UX (user experience) is similar then it'll more than likely pull people across.

So far the communities have been extremely friendly and it is a breath of fresh air

I'm excited to see what new and interesting features will be implemented that we never could have gotten on Reddit. FOSS (free and open source software) has a history of being an environment where innovation can be fostered, unrestrained by the whims of the market.

i work in digital product and UX strategy/design, and it's my dream to put together a ragtag design and development team to build experiences that make migrating to the Fediverse intuitive and enjoyable for all. it's time to remind these social media companies how fragile their power is.

Hiii im here from reddit but, when i tried to post the post has been being uploaded for the past 2 hours, also loading communities and upvoting has been EXTREMELY slow ;'D

btw this is a hella cool site

Yeah looks like is slow today. Not surprised due to the influx of users. Ruud and the team has been working on it diligently the last couple of weeks, expanding hardware, writing code, fixing bugs, etc. Please be patient as we grow!

I cleared my cache and it helped mine. If you havnt done so in awhile it could help.

Oki, I hope everything goes smooth for the team, good luck!!

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So instances = subs but you have to sign up for each one?

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Wait... Where am I? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms. 11 years wandering the Reddit... I'm lost, a little confused, possibly afraid.

Nothing better than being greeted with Futurama, for the Fediverse when new episodes of Futurama drop in July! (I'm extremely excited for the new season)

Well it was a good ride at Reddit. I was using Reddit since since 2006 as a lurker. Lemmy is now my home. Hi all!

Wow. Welcome fellow old ex-Redditor. You will like it here. You'll see that it feels like like the Reddit of old.

Incoming user from reddit! My app got shut down. I was salty about it so I decided that I was going to find an alternative, rather than use the official app, and I found lemmy! I like the community vibe so far. I'm still figuring out how different communities and instances work together with federating. I was always more of a lurker on reddit, but I might try to become a more active commenter (for community engagement!)

Thank you for the welcome.

Bye bye Reddit. Hope they collapse after getting rid of 3rd party apps. Reddit is Fun was my shit. I gotta find a Lemmy equivalent so I can get off my phone's web browser.

I downloaded Connect for lemy today. Seems to be working okay so far. I haven't tried any of the other ones yet, so don't take my word as gold. Could be something better out there.

Same, but I'm mostly waiting for Sync for Lemmy. I know it wasn't the most popular 3rd party Reddit app, but it sure was my favorite.

The announcement in their app for Reddit today was the whole reason I'm here! :D

I just found out about Connect today and have been loving it.

I've been a paid Sync user for more years than I know, and am so glad they're coming over to Lemmy. However, in the meantime, Connect is pretty great for basic posting/reading needs.

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I've only been here for two weeks and already have seen major improvements. Thankful to the admins for their hard work, and glad to see the wonderful people here contributing to this platform's awesome growth. Loving it here and wishing continued success to the fediverse :)

Cautiously optimistic about the migration. Reddit had gotten pretty weird.

This all reminds me of the big Digg migration. Reddit likes to think that people chose it because it was special. For a good majority of us, especially the 10+ year accounts, it was Digg's terrible redesign and very poor product decisions. The nail in the coffin was not understanding its core content producing users willingness to move. History repeats itself.

Another old vet here. Reddit wasn't special back then. It just wasn't Digg and they either didn't know that or forgot that

I was DiggDuggDone before moving to Reddit. Almost 14 years later I’m now Drunemeton across the webs.

Really loving the Fediverse so far! I’ve been so much more engaged.

Another old vet here. Reddit wasn't special back then. It just wasn't Digg and they either didn't know that or forgot that

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Thanks! I mostly lurked on reddit for many years (as a Digg refugee), and I want to try and get out of that rut and actually contribute some content here. Wish me luck!

Over a decade as a registered user on Reddit, and 3-4 unregistered before that. Also jumping over. Community comes first.

I'm right there with you. Was a lurker on RIF for years. Excited for this new journey. Cheers!

Yeah, I was there probably a decade mainly lurking. Decided to come over here after the Sync app shut down. I feel like I want to contribute more here too! Seems like an exciting time to have come aboard.

Lasted one day on the official reddit app. Sadly the readability of it with the massive amounts of ads and sponsored posts makes me rather not use reddit at all.

Glad lemmy seems to genuinely be an upcoming alternative!

Rest in peace RIF. I was honestly heartbroken. I know how sad that must sound, but goddamn, I used it daily for 6 years. It made my office hours and daily commute on the subway so much better.

Yeah man I used RIF as my only reddit access for 12 years. So when reddit was going hard with avatars, rewards and ads, I was immune to it. I think that's partially why 3rd parties were cut out. I did the revanced reddit app, but it still feels gross.

I've been full-time on a Lemmy for nearly a month already and haven't really missed the other place at all. But damn, seeing that goodbye message on RIF yesterday filled me with emotions that were weird and deeply confusing.

Just migrated from reddit, and I’m really excited to see Lemmy gain popularity and grow! This is about to be my next addiction.

Thank you. Just killed my Reddit alter ego so let's vsee what this will bring us. Glad to be here.

Here from RiF! First post on Lemmy, here's to a bright future ^^

Hello. Glad to be here. I'm not going back to reddit, they nuked Sync for Reddit and I refuse to use reddit app.

I already like the vibe of this place more, at least socially. The site is a bit cumbersome but I'm willing to stick with it to see how it can get better. Plus Sync for Lemmy will be coming and then my life will be fixed.

Today was my first day on the Fediverse via, and I was so happy to see a Futurama Community among the top posts right when I logged in!

I hope it's also okay to say that I just created /c/Disenchantment for my fellow fans of a slightly related show. 😄

Any Futurama fans that also like Disenchantment and our one true Queen Bean please come join!

First comment on Lemmy. Is there a ELI5 for Lemmy to help get us started? I'm using the Connect Lemmy app!

Best I can say is that you have your local server, which is the server you originally signed up in. You then have all the rest of the connected (federated) servers that can see what you say.

Each server is its own mini-lemmy, so it is broken down into communities just like subreddits. Each has its own server administrators and each community has its own moderators.

Regarding content delivery, it seems to be about the same process: a link, image, video, or text from a certain community. The responses are similarly threaded with buttons for interaction.

The largest differences I have seen are that each server instance can have duplicate communities. Different servers have different tolerances for communities. In extreme cases, whole servers can be blocked (defederated) from your server. This is usually due to unwanted behavior from the users that is not curbed by the moderators or extreme communities that cause hardship for other users.

This is what I got after about a week of lurking. If I'm not correct, please let me know.

Just landed from reddit. Excited to be a part of the early adapters of fediverse!

Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone working to keep servers running during this influx of signups and all the helpful posts I'm seeing around explaining instances and generally how to Lemmy.

What's to stop a single Lemmy instance from going "this is taking too much time and money to run, I'm shutting this server down"? I guess that can apply to any service, but monetization sometimes prevents that from happening. But in this case it's all volunteer work and running a server takes resources.

What happens to all the users created under that Lemmy instance?

If it happened right now, we'd need to go make new accounts on a new instance to keep accessing content. Of course, content hosted on the disappeared instance would also be gone, which is another reason spreading everyone out onto smaller instances is a good idea to avoid one central server holding 90% of the good content.

What we have on Mastodon is an easy way to migrate account from one instance to another, so I'm hopeful a similar feature will be added here in due time once the devs have everything a bit more stable. The added complication with Lemmy of course is that we'd also need a way to migrate communities or at least the content thereof, but I've seen various discussions of how that could work so it is something that they're thinking about already.

Ultimately, don't get permanently attached to content you put out on the internet, because if this sounds terrifyingly precarious to you you probably weren't online in the early 2000s when that's just sort of how things worked. Somehow we thrived anyway!

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Still trying to figure this Lemmy thing out. I have an account with Lemmy.World, but I can still post/view other instances if they are shared? Anyways now that RiF is gone, guess I'm done with Reddit. Glad to be here!

Yes, instances share data. It's called federation. Nice intro to how all this works:

I just read through the link you sent and I think I understand now! That was exactly what I was looking for. It gave explanations for all of the keywords that I was looking for.

Thank you for taking the time to help me!

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Me too! I was on reddit for about 15 years, passed through some stories there. I hope we have a lot of cool safes to open here. At the end, We should´ve come before. This is the model of internet we should encourage, but reddit was too confortable for anything else. Now is the time! The funny thing is that I neve spent money on reddit, but I already signed up for donations here.

First comment on Lemmy... Been a lurker on Reddit for years who's recently become more active... Looking forward to contributing more on Lemmy! Network errors galore right now, but that's a good thing right? Everybody coming over from Reddit in droves, I would imagine... Let's f'in goooooo!

Edit: this comment gave me all sorts of problems while attempting to post, sorry for the duplicate versions... but I imagine this will calm down soon and all will be right as rain in no time 👍

Uninstalled the Sync app today.(RIP) Should be fun getting to know Lemmy.

Sync for Lemmy is in the works, from what I understand.

Yeah, I subscribed to the wait list. I'm still trying to figure out how it all works here....but that's half the fun

I'm using connect for lemmy temporarily until LJ is able to work his magic. It has a similar sync vibe so far.

What Apps are people using? Wefwef?

Running Connect for Lemmy here on Android. It seems nice and minimalist. I was a little dissuaded from trying Jerboa with some of the negative reviews.

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Currently trying out Liftoff on android. Quite liking it so far while I await Boost to be released.

Has there been word that a Boost for Lemmy is in the works? That was my favorite reddit app by far!

Yes, there has. It's "coming soon" in the Google Play store.

I've been using Jerboa on Android. As far as I know it's been working great. I've gotten my scroll pages to all, local or subscriptions. So I can toggle between them to see what's happening on the different feeds.

I like the chrome PWA, jerboa, and wefwef. Thunder is decent. Liftoff looks great but doesn't allow for all instances to join yet ( kmown bug). Haven't liked connect as much but trying to give them all a fair try. What I am really looking forward to is Sync.

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First post here!

As a former Apollo user, I’m super impressed by wefwef. Does anyone know what’s in store for its development? I’d love to see a native iOS app.

The dev of WefWef is aiming for feature parity with Apollo and they're updating it super often.


Memmy ! is quite good, a native app. Mlem ! feels more like Apollo than Memmy but isn't quite as far along as Memmy.

No more centralised social media. I really hope more of us make the switch. Lemmy feels like it could become a really special place.

I was told there would be an omelet bar for Reddit refugees.

Nah, just blackjack and hookers here.

Former reddit user here. I hope that this site grows and prospers and I look forward to discovering replacement communities for subreddits I've used.

Damn over 3k upvotes..activity is going up!. Let's get this train going! Welcome! :)

Wandering around, RiFless, looking for something to do on the internet.

Connect for Lemmy seems like a pretty good app so far, feels decently similar to RIF.

Hi, all! This is my first comment on Lemmy. I’m exited to be here!

It’s sad watching Reddit go the way of the dodo, but I’m happy to see everyone come together to give the big ole fuck you to u/spez in solidarity and migrate over when they effectively broke Apollo and the other 3pd apps

Just landed from reddit. Excited to be a part of the early adapters of fediverse!

First post on Lemmy! So long Reddit, looking forward to Sync for Lemmy to be developed. By the way, where's the bathroom?

The bathroom is down the hallway, to the right. Look for Lemmy the lemming. Then follow him the rest of the way.

When I was a kid, I thought the lyrics "there's a bad moon on the rise" were, "there's a bathroom on the right".. 😂

Kid logic at its best. hahaha

Definitely. I mean if there's a threat of death by going out, I'll likely pee my pants. Good to know where the bathroom is!

I'm with you, though I heard CCR giving directions to the bathroom well into adulthood.

Did you know my cat locked Elton John in his penthouse?

Thank you for the warm welcome. Any tips and tricks for us Reddit refugees?

Happy to try it though I haven't found a cell app I much like yet.

I think the biggest challenge is going to be transplanting the knowledge. There are so many tutorials and walkthroughs that are on reddit.

It's why what was working best was the Mods making everything private.

Wefwef is working well for me on iPad. I was used to using Apollo to browse reddit, so this has been a godsend. I’m starting to feel more comfortable with using Lemmy a bit more as I’m figuring out what is going on! I hope that the youthfulness of lemmy (to me anyway) is a nice filter from the overwhelmingness of reddit… the downside is that it feels very niche so far, but as adoption becomes more apparent, it will be a budding new “front page” for me.

But if you’re an apollo user, I’d suggest maybe looking at wefwef, and use that to interact with lemmy.

10+ year Reddit refugee looking for a new home. Lemmy looks slightly difficult to navigate but hopefully this becomes the new face of the internet

Was part of the great Digg migration, and yet again another platform got greedy...

Yep I clearly remember the digg migration to a strange and austere Reddit interface. All the “is Reddit down?” moments of the early years. Feeling like a noob, getting up to speed on the lore and the inside jokes. Becoming an elder lurker. Anyway fuck u/spez, the people make the platform. We’ll do it again!

I’m the same, GenMay and SA before that lol

What was the Something Awful exodus about (and about when if you recall)? Please and thank you.

Oh gosh I remember that being a thing but I have no details around why or when. Commenting to find this later in case you get more info!

12yr Reddit account being abandoned cause of all the fuckery. Happy to be a Lemming now

Another refugee here. I hope i post more here than i did there

Rip RiF

I'm very excited to start fresh. ☺️🫶

Finally made an account. Super excited. Reddit immediately started to just feel like it was in a decline, something about logging onto it felt off

Same here, plus them killing our apps? I just couldn't support them after that. I used boost and continuing to use the site after they killed it and basically gave all of us the middle finger felt like some sucker shit.

Same here, plus them killing our apps? I just couldn't support them after that. I used boost and continuing to use the site after they killed it and basically gave all of us the middle finger felt like some sucker shit.

Nice that that's the first thing I see here

Had almost a day with lemmy. Now I'm starting to get the basics sorted this looks like it will be a fun place.

Already seeing fermiliar communities which is sweet

Testing Lemmy using my browser, what’s the best app?

I am currently enjoying wefwef, jerboa, and thunder the best. Liftoff is good, but not connecting with all instances (, etc). I have tried connect, not my style. Personally am waiting for Sync, was my favorite on reddit.

Right now all the apps are being developed at lightning speed I'm on iOS so the easiest to get running for me has been wefwef since it's a webapp (the other apps aren't on the app store yet). It copies the apollo layout. If you're on android then look around, there are probably better alternatives.

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it doesn't feel great, but change is never easy. but this thing is pretty damn cool

Used Reddit for 16 years. Also a little confused. But stoked!

Apollo refugee here! Let’s hope this sticks because I lost all trust in Reddit.

Same. Was using Apollo last night when it just closed. Sad times but hopefully Lemmy will make up for it. Seems ok so far.

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Just signed up a few hours ago and trying to get a feel of the place. Looking good so far :)

Hi Lemmies, thanks! First post. Excited to see how this turns out!

Hey, fellow refugee here. Sometimes I get a language not allowed error when posting? Also do communities with the same name on different servers share comments? For example, PatientsGamers

Make sure to select your language for your post. I know it seems like it should be intuitive, but atm it is still giving people problems. Also check to see under your user settings that you have english (or whichever languages) selected you want to see/read/use. Communities with the same names do not share comments on different servers. Each one is their own entity. You can choose to participate in any or all.

Thank you. A little confusing having communities with the same name, but I can understand that. I haven't found a setting for language in settings (I'm using connect) but will try on the web version.

Hello. First post on Lemmy - y'all seem nice. Missing Sync for Reddit but I will move on. Thank you for having us

Thanks for the warm welcome! I used Apollo since 2018 and I was disappointed with how reddit treated Christian.

in a weird way it’s refreshing to see a part of the internet breathe again without it needing to be a singular website for forum talk

I am still feeling a little lost but fuck spez.

I am too. I downloaded an app (Jerboa) made an account, and then just started searching for some of the interest subreddits I used and subscribed to them. Found an aww, tech, movie and tv shows, reddit migration, gunpla, and others so I can customize my "front page".

I took the learn by doing approach. I didn't really look at any tutorials or how to guides, just started with the app messed around. Did some searches for hobbies and interest. Linked an account and then started subscribing. I think I got the jist, but still can't see the full scope and picture of how it works but not bad for day 1 I think. Good luck on your journey!!

Thanks for welcome! Although I am still a bit sceptic whether this platform can grow. we will see...

Just landed from reddit. Excited to be a part of the early adapters of fediverse!

Haven't you ever heard of a little thing called 'showmanship'

After 12 years on reddit (most of those on Apollo) it’s nice to be here and thank’s for the warm welcome!

What's fediverse?

It's the collection of various softwares/sites/platforms that are all able to interact due to operating on the same underlying technology.

Lemmy is part of the Fediverse. Mastodon is also and users there can follow and post in Lemmy communities despite being a totally different thing. Kbin is another Reddit-like, it and Lemmy coexist pretty seamlessly.

And there are so so many more. Fediverse alternatives to FB, Insta, YT, Linktree, etc etc etc.

You'll also hear "Threadiverse" which is what people have taken to calling that part of the Fediverse that focuses on forum thread type discussions (ie Lemmy and Kbin mainly).

Thanks for the explanation. How connected are the platforms? As a new Lemmy user, if I search for a particular community to join, am I seeing the same content that someone from Mastodon would? Or is it more that Lemmy is capable of reading Mastodon content but we're not sharing the same content by default?

I'm finding it a little hard to find the words to even ask this question haha, I'm still a little confused. This all looks nice so far though!

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Nothing better than being greeted with Futurama, for the Fediverse when new episodes of Futurama drop in July! (I'm extremely excited for the new season)

Joined just now after RIF stopped working in the UK... RIP RIF

Hello Lemmy

Good news everyone! I’ve just smelled out an entirely new parallel dimension called the fediverse

RIF user here also, hope to stay here - testing lemmy apps now

I'm a RiF user as well, and I just downloaded Connect while I wait for the Boost app. I'm liking it so far. I needed to do a little testing with the settings, but I didn't really make many changes. (Just changed the theme and turned off the card style)

frankly I hesitated a lot between lemmy and squabbles... finally I migrated to the 2!

Glad to be living reddit behind. RIP.

Good News everyone! I do feel welcomed into the future, this is my first post. I finally got signed up after I found wefwef and knew it was the missing link and now I could enjoy the fediverse.

I didn’t even try going to the official app. Oh my no.

After 12 years on reddit (most of those on Apollo), it’s great to be here! Thank’s for the warm welcome.

I'm reminded of when Voat was gonna replace Reddit. I'm still skeptical we'll get a lot more users migrating since things over there seem to have stabilized. But this is an exciting time for Lemmy to try some new things and fix what was broken with reddit.

IMO it doesn't need to replace Reddit for everyone or grow to be a direct competitor. As long as there are enough users to keep communities active and discussions going, it's a nice alternative for people who want to get away from Reddit or other social media sites. I like that threads are active for longer than a few hours before dropping off, and since posts are slower I don't find myself mindlessly scrolling. Lemmy feels more like a mid 2000s forum but with better usability.

I agree. I miss the old internet, especially the forums of the early 2000s.

It seems traffic from those forums largely shifted to Facebook, which I will never understand. I find societies lack of concern for having at least some privacy baffling. The photo bucket debacle felt like the final nail in the coffin for those forums.

Reddit became a fair alternative though as the popularity increased the quality of discussion decreased. As with all things internet over monitization has killed it.

I’m hopeful for the future of Lemmy, can’t wait to see where this goes.

A lot of communities these days have moved over to Discord too, meaning information isn't archived or easy to access months/years later. There have been cases of accounts being compromised or rogue mods causing trouble, and in a few seconds a server's chat history and all associated info/guides/artwork etc are lost in seconds. I'd love to see a return to forums.

Hi, first comment on Lemmy/fediverse after 13 years on reddit, it looks good so far. Thanks for the welcome!

This is great. Really enjoying the vibe so far and figuring stuff out. Like the tech around fediverse and excited to see where it goes.

Honestly seeing all the corpos ruining the platforms that are what they are because millions of people contributed to them. Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, etc. give so much power to their owners yet they don't realize it past their next dollar. I think internet should have always been a fediverse instead of what it has become.

Welcome everyone. Let's hope for a better future here on lemmy

Is there a currency equivalent to Reddit gold here? What’s the point of this if I can’t say “Thanks for the gold kind stranger” ???

Thank you. Just killed my Reddit alter ego so let's vsee what this will bring us. Glad to be here.

Why do you always have to say it that way?