1 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Saw someone say it was due to Cloudflare.

I’m sure (hope) they will be back soon

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

I’ll subscribe and hope for some good ones to open up.

Any trackers you’d recommend in particular?

This is incredible mate!

Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out.

I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the next few months and try to get in. LST sounds the most fitting tbh. Relaxed and easy as long as you make a tiny bit of effort.

Thanks again for great advice!

Cheers mate!

Have heard about them and must admit I’m a bit skeptical, but I’ll do another round of reading up on them.

MAM looks good as the missus reads a lot on her tablet. Is it mostly English or other languages too?
Might have to set up Readarr as well now…

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Jellyfin and the .arr suite.

It’s absolutely incredible and I am so greatful to anyone with the skillset and dedication to develop and maintain things like these.

Currently playing with Proxmox and HomeAssistant too.

Hat of to all of you legends involved in FOSS

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We’re quite stupid and easy to influence.

Proof in point: I’ve gone from 0 to 3 Linux machines since joining Lemmy.

Someone send help, please??

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Is there any chance this will ever pass?

I don’t really know what it would take to get this done

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Do they dislike me for no good reason? If yes: fuck them, I’m awesome!

Do they dislike me because I did something dumb? Let’s talk and let me appologise if I cocked something up for you. My intentions are rarely malicius.

This let’s me live a happy life knowing I didn’t ruin anyone’s day and ignore the rest.

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It's not that you can't complain, but moreso that people are tired of reading about people getting ripped of over and over again.
It's getting old when the solution is so glaringly obvious.

Alternatively focus your grievances towards the company. That has a better chance of making an impact in reducing the tainted waters.

So in short: you have a right to complain, but we have a right to tell you that you are a part of the problem if you pre-order or support companies continually doing this crap.

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Mint Cinamon.

«Everybody» gave me the same advice.

Good luck!

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Neither really.

It’s a personal choice. As long as they don’t drive or do anything stupid to others, I think they should have fun. Ii’s not cool as potential addiction is not cool, but it’s not a mental problem either as I both drink and eat junk, knowing very well neither does me any good at all.

Hope that was a decent answer

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I don’t really think so.

If you adjust for inflation, historically, it’s very cheap.
If you compare it to movie tickets, which in essence is 2-3 hours of entertainment for $25, it’s the same story.
Some games can give you hundreds of hours for close to the same price.

This excludes games with monthly fees or predatory in-game systems.

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Yeah same.
I only use it to follow r/ukraine, and I don't comment or vote.

Lemmy is not perfect but it scratches my itch to see what random strangers think about random topics so I don't really miss it.

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I really hope Firefox makes one. I miss not having uBlock an d some other addons on my tablet.

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Yeah it costs, depending on quality of course.
My 14 TB disks are filling up faster than I expected and I am not close to Netflix’s catalogue.

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This I agree with.

I once heard someone say: «never skimp out on what seperates you from the ground».
For bed and tires I really agree, but with shoes I’m not as strict.

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Worth every penny you russian bot

Should not stop us from trying though

If only there had been a game that you had played thousands of hours on and had high hopes for the sequel.

He's not arguing against hoping for a better sequel. He's telling people to stop pre-ordering games without knowing how good the game is going to be.

Also, you waited a decade to play a game you wanted to play? That’s a you problem.

Read his reply again. He waited 10 years for it to release and get reviewed before making an informed purchasing decision. He made a smart move.

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I truly hope you find someone mate.

Not a woman but I’m still gonna give you the only advice I can: never ever give up as that is the only option that has a guaranteed outcome. If you are as awesome in person as you seem, I’m both rooting for you and a believer in your future.

Man this whole thing is just sad to watch.

Hope all sivilians get home safely and that this bloodshed ends fast.

NATO has been on their doorstep since its inception, so this argument is unreasonable.

Norway is a founding member and share a border with them.

Now why would they fear Ukraine joining a non-confontational alliance?

And how do you rationalize the fear of your neighbour making new friends by physically attacking them?

I don’t know if you are a russian bot or actually conflicted so I’m giving you a chance to explain what you think Ukraine should really do. In my mind, bowing down to a bully is never ever the answer and support any aid they get in their purely defensive war.

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Then what is the point?

Why are they not allowed to create a good service and profit?
Why are the competition unable to take marketshare with lower fees?

It feels as if you have this number, >billion, makes a company evil. Why?

I agree with you that no single person needs a billion, but having earned it doesn’t make them bad. They innovate and move everything forwards. I’d much rather see my money with Valve than with EA, Activision Blizzard or any of the other faceless giants out there.

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These names you keep giving politicians... Why?

Is it hatred against career politicians?
A way for people to remember bad things they've done?
Is it mostly tongue in cheek?

Legitimately curious

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I live in Norway and made it around with FWD/RWD on all my cars, untill recently. Moved to a house at the bottom of a steep hill and got an AWD.

So while I am saying that you probably don’t need it, I am never going back after having had it for two winters. It’s just so superior once snow turns up.

Then tell us what Ukraine and the west should do.

If it is giving up and letting Russia seize control of the entire nation, then you I have fundamentally different world views.
If it is negotiating with Putin, we are again in disagreement. We don’t bow down to bullies. When we do, they end up taking our lunch money again and again.

So really: please tell us what the best alternative is.

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Discord, of all places.

A few weeks away from birthing our newest family adition!

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Aren’t women safe in all states?
It’s a bit hard to fathom as a European, so I’d love some knowledge if you’d share

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If they imperialistically invade Canada/Mexico and rape and torture both civilians and military alike, then of course I would.

And before you ask: I’d wish the same if my country ever did the same to one of our neighbors. My principles are the same regardless.

Did you expect a different answer?

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True, but after 200 miles I like to stretch my legs and hit the loo, which take about the same time it takes to charge back up again on a rapid charger.

That is three times a year though. The rest of the year I spend zero minutes tanking up. I just plug it in at home or work and pay fuck-all to drive around.

So realistically you spend much more time tanking up than I do.

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American History X and The Green Mile

I’ve seen them in southern Europe on vacation, but never in the Nordics. Allways thought it was a Iberian/Latin thing (FR, ES, IT, PT). Guess they are more common than I thought.

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While I agree with your point in general, I too «celebrate» russian soldiers being eliminated.
The pure, evil brutality their countrymen have shown the world in the last two years is beyond comprehension.

So I guess it’s more celebrating every Ukranian who gets to live because these men died, if that makes sense.

I’d much prefer they get to go home of course. I think most of us do.

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CDG airport. I hate that place so much.
Heathrow, Schiphol and Frankfurt are all so much easier to navigate.

On a serious note though: I’ve never bern anywhere in Europe that I straight up disliked. Sanremo was probably the «least friendly» with locals all pushing us towards the casino at every oportunity. The city was also surprisingly worn down.

The local market was awesome though.

Ok fine, my running shoes I got the same way you did.

I still skimp on the everyday shoes though, and like you avoid flat soles like fire.

Cheers for sharing though. I know what you’re doing would benefit me in the long run.

I wonder what hit them to cause this….

Could it be a javelin to the ammo storage?

Good riddance anyways. Get out of Ukraine if you don’t want to end up like this.

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I hope people answer.
Wanna see what you think we do that is weird!

Are you playing directly on your server?

For the first one at least you could solve it by running JF with a Chromecast or similar device.
Feels cleaner than a wireless mouse in the living room too, IMO

Honestly, if another cold war is the outcome of us stepping up for what is right in this world, then I think it's a better alternative than giving into any dicators demands.

Don't get me wrong: I don't want it, but the alternative is everlasting certainty for Putin and future cronies that attacking sovereign countries is totally fine as long as he has nukes.

So to answer your question: the general idea to avoid this is to make sure everybody knows the west wants no war, but we will not sit idly by and watch it unfold right on our doorstep. And we are strong enough to beat you if it comes to that.

You don't need allways to fight the bully to make him stop. You just need to make sure he knows you will fight and he most likely will lose.

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