Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal to – 461 points –
Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal

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Then what is the point?

Why are they not allowed to create a good service and profit?
Why are the competition unable to take marketshare with lower fees?

It feels as if you have this number, >billion, makes a company evil. Why?

I agree with you that no single person needs a billion, but having earned it doesn’t make them bad. They innovate and move everything forwards. I’d much rather see my money with Valve than with EA, Activision Blizzard or any of the other faceless giants out there.

Multimillionaires, billionaires, they're all part of the problem.

They're allowed to make a good product and profit, there's no reason why we allow them to profit so fucking much, if they do it's because we're paying more for their product than they actually need to charge us, the fact that they consider it ok makes them bad people.

Stop defending the people profiting from you, you're the cattle defending the butcher.

I agree with you that there's a problem, but I think you're targeting the wrong villian here. I shop local whenever I can but there are a few things that are just... big. Video games are worldwide and getting them off the internet is nice. There's no such thing as a local video game distributor. There's local indie game development which I do support, but Steam is a product I like which does its job very well.

The problem here is scale, not necessarily who individuals are buying from. Take major league sports as an example. Salaries for indivudual players are in the millions because of the amount of eyeballs attached to wallets that are interested in watching those players. Less eyeballs, less money, and the players would probably be doing the same thing but not be making as much money. Same thing with music. It's very hard for an artist to make a good living with music, but once they hit global awareness suddenly money will come rollin in from all over the place. This isn't a problem with the people doing the jobs (although it could be said that major league sports should charge less, they are trying to maximize their profit) but is the result of the amount of people who are willing to pay.

The probelm you're having is that a company is allowed to suck up so much money and keep it. That's a problem for governments to handle. Individuals can choose who to give their money to, but sometimes there aren't any other good choices.

It's their choice to take a cut big enough that they're making that kind of profit, no one is forcing them, it's all greed, stop acting like they wouldn't be able to lower it.

Sure, then «attack» the politicians allowing this to happen.

Up corporate tax and income tax for the wealthy.

Don’t attack the companies that play by the rules.

The funniest thing is, there are billionaires out there that agree tax laws are messed up and think they should be paying more taxes. For them it’s just a stressful hassle to work out which charities should take their money.

I don't believe them for a second. When you have that much money you could just hire people to vet charities for you.

All of them deserve to be attacked, there's nothing moral about being a multimillionaire while people are starving.

Right, but there’s nothing immoral about it either.

I live in a place where the rich pay their fair dues to the benefit of the less fortunate. That’s where I think you need to focus on getting, not slandering every successful company out of envy.

Thanks for the chat. You were nothing but respectful. Have a great weekend.

Yes there's something immoral about it, it's a choice they they consciously make to make us spend more than necessary on the products they have to sell so they can accumulate more wealth and we can accumulate less wealth.

Multimillionaires, billionaires, they're all part of the problem.

So what laws are you proposing to fix this? Or do you just think whining that they exist will cause them to give away their money?

Wealth taxation up to 100%

Limited share for distributors/publishers

Implement that and just watch as everyone but the super wealthy becomes richer all of the sudden.

A million dollars isn't what it used to be. There are older working class multi-millionaires who have saved that much from entirely their own labor.