16 Post – 141 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Avid gamer and lover of anime. Kallipygos is my figure of faith. Also, I'm a tree.

I love how this game handles sex and romance, it's unashamed with a sex-positive mindset, something that just seems natural to me but I guess I'm just weird.

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I miss the age of videogame demos, it feels like nothing but a distant memory now. And the only reason companies let people play their broken betas now is to gauge excitement for their games and fix any serious game breaking bugs.

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We get it, you don't jerk off to cartoons.

To call this an anime is just plain wrong. This is a series of animated shorts, completely unvoiced to boot. I'd have saved some time flipping through storyboard pictures. But still, it's always nice to see games branch out in these ways. Just wish people would call things what they are cause I had completely different expectations going in.

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YouTube comments have always been a veiled lie. There's some sort of algorithm at work not to mention the dislike button on comments just doesn't work. I wouldn't put too much thought behind it, if anything I'd say discussing it on Reddit/Twitter is a better way to get heard.

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The real reason why they dedicated so much time and effort into making ER one of the best RPGs this decade... To elevate their beloved AC. Truly a noble pursuit.

The Nier games are really good for this, I love when it goes from over the shoulder character action game to isometric dungeon crawler and then to bullet hell shooter. I love the Nier games so much. ❤️

Those developers trying to shit on Larian need to cry and seethe more. Terribly incompetent people who can't create good games themselves, why not trying taking notes instead?

Keep up the great work Larian.

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Ahhh, that's amazing. An absolute man of culture I say. Wonder what other mods this person has. Personally I perfer the Chun-Li without leggings mods, a bit of "tasteful" nudity. 😁

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Just like regular D&D!

I don't believe you.

I mean yeah, that's typically how it works but...

He's double dawg daring them.

Maybe this is a hot take, but I really wish we could just let things die. Smash Ultimate works quite well as the finale the series deserves. I could see maybe 20 or 30 years down the line they do a ressurection with some sort of spiritual successor. But I'm against seeing another smash anytime soon. There are a lot of franchises that I think should adopt this mindset, it's not just smash.

Edit: I also think in the interim developers could work on long dead franchises like how Destiny is bringing back Marathon.

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Battlepass for a sleep tracker? I've seen it all.

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Cataclysm on Lemmy? Hell yeah, shout out to Rycon one of like 3 total Cataclysm content creators. As for obscure games I've played...

I guess it's more of a sub genre but the rhythm + other game genre like for example the most popular being Hi-Fi Rush and Crypt of the Necrodancer. But have you heard of Metal Hellsinger or BPM: Bullets Per Minute? All excellent games in my opinion that take a game genre like in BPM's case the rougelike genre and changes things up by mixing it in with rhythm game mechanics.

You pay for a drip feed of exclusive content fueled by fomo. It's the same concept the fact it's got a different name doesn't change that. I've heard all I need to.

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The Twisted Metal TV show was a success?

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I posted a comment on Reddit talking about how disappointed I am hearing that the AC set in Japan is going to be made by the Valhalla people and I got destroyed for it. Like I wanted Japan since brotherhood and now I get this? I don't like the newer games because they just don't respect your time and that's a bummer for me.

The Witcher subreddit mods put up a poll about whether or not they should extend their protest (Every post from the start of the protest had been about The Hexer an old poor adaptation of the witcher). I commented that I supported the continued protests, because charging exorbitant prices is unfair to moderators that do what they do for free, and unfair to the 3rd party app developers who gain no income from developing their apps. Someone came at me with this argument;

buddy i work 48 hours a fucking week i’m just trying to enjoy and discuss things about fandoms i enjoy while i’m taking a shit. i could care less about these protests, all it’s doing is fucking up my potty time

Like, from a self-centered point of view, how dense do you have to be to not understand that moderators not having access to their tools is going to "fuck up your potty time".

well I called him;

Self centered, selfish and uncaring.

I mean seriously, have some common decency to fight for the platform you browse daily. I just don't get some people, really. Well regardless, Lemmy has been a much better place, though I can't imagine that'll last forever.

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Look, I was enjoying the game a lot, but these articles are getting a little out of hand. I don't think this game is as huge a triumph as journalists might have you believe.

Yes the gaming landscape is filled with MTX heavy live-services but as much as BG3 is a complete product it's not as if we don't still get games like that just look at the other releases in 2023 it started off with freakin' Hi-Fi Rush.

And for all it's successes BG3 still has major faults. It preforms terribly after only a few hours of play to what I can only imagine is a memory leak issue but performance issues aside there are mechanical problems that are baked into the core of the game so...

I dunno, I'm glad that the game is finding success and I'm glad that people are enjoying it but it's just a bit much, I mean Bombrush Cyberfunk just came out and I've heard nothing on that game from these outlets.

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As expected, Pokémon and then CoD primarily. Gamers just wanna catch cool monsters and kill dudes. Kinda messed up tbh but like, whatever.

I still disagree with that decision, like he's a public figure regardless of what happens he's producing work and putting his name to it. If people really wanted to, they'd find a way to use his likeness, PC port or not.

They usually sell the pre-order stuff later anyways.

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Gotta fluff it up for the masses I suppose.

QTEs were sometimes a way to mask loading screens in the old days.

Edit: Can we talk about that spanking ponies thing?

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So, I tried the demo for this when they first showcased it, and I love DON'T NOD a lot, but I just couldn't get behind this one. Honestly the gameplay was tedious but you get the sense that it's done like that on purpose, it's suppose to feel like a goal when you reach the top of whatever you were climbing. Typically to make up for that kind of flow in games, they make the story very rewarding for the player, and I don't know if it was just me but I just couldn't bring myself to care about the world I was exploring. When I found notes they didn't illicit any sort of emotions out of me they just kind of felt like, hey you found a thing good job, enjoy reading about how this person made some soup or something. I dunno, I really wanted to like it from the aesthetic to the vibe, but I just couldn't. Anyone else kind of feel that way too, or am I crazy?

What the hell? I just want people to be able to be open about sexual topics and be okay with displaying their bodies without getting attacked or shunned. And for people to play games with anywhere from a little or a lot of sexual content without the fear of it being censored and them being called perverts and weirdos and whatever else, BG3 is a shining example of this.

And if you think that it's about treating women like sex dolls then I feel like you should take a good long look at yourself.

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The issue with SR Reboot is that they did try to modernize the humor, they went and dove head first to new style of humor and it clearly didn't work for them.

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I can't agree more.

They've resumed development on this? Huh, that's interesting. At this point this game has gone through dev hell so I hope it turns out alright.

How the hell? How long have they had this game for? There's no way they've got a "complete" guide for this game.

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I wanna contribute to that number but I've encountered a progression halting glitch. :(

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That's not a demo, that's a return policy. Plus, in most cases you don't get a good feel of a game in the first 2 hours of the game. A demo is a snippet of the game made specifically to let people get accustomed to most of the mechanics in a game, something that isn't usually present in the first two hours.

You could've easily said Steam Next Fest and I would've agreed with you. Indie devs are the only ones who seem to care about their players these days.

That's not entirely true, I like GOG. But I will say that a big part of why I dislike the use of so many launchers is because 98% of my game library already exists on steam. Publishers would like to use the storefront analogy but I think that gamers look at it more like moving house, and no one likes to move house.

Also you have to consider that a lot of modern day PC gamers grew up with consoles where there are no launchers there is just the home page and the games.

That's not to touch on the much more prevalent and important topics like privacy concerns and the like.

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I tend to enjoy a variety of games particularly those that respect my time. At the top are character action games like Bayonetta and Nier. Monster Hunter games. Then big relaxing open-world exploratory games like BoTW, TotK, Elden Ring. Immersive RPGs like Cyberpunk and Skyrim. Third person cinematic games like TLoU, or the new GoW. Exceptional indie games like Hades, Terraria, and Roboquest. Then, fighting games like SF6, Third Strike, GG Strive, Killer Instinct or MK9. Cooperative, competitive shooters with my friends like Siege. and then from time to time I f2p on gacha games like Azur Lane and Nikke, but I tend to drop those pretty quick. There was also time in my life where I spent too many hours with friends on GTA Online as well. Sorted most to least in terms of how often I actually play that type of game. However, a little more than half of my free time is usually spent watching other people let's play games, like right now, I'm writing this and watching Chris Odd play Aliens Dark Descent. 🙂

Is there a place for us to request new communities?

Saw Iron Pineapple play this one, it looks really good with a lot of style, keeping my eyes out for the reviews.

That's where my brain went first no worries (that's years of Northerlion burnt into my skull) lol but they're probably talking about Issac from Dead Space. Right?

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I said it one Reddit and I'll say it here.

All I want out of Hi-Fi Rush now is a sequel, an adult animated series, and a Hibiki snap-back. And maybe some figures of the cast. Hi-Fi Rush was a damn good game, it'd be a shame if we didn't get more out of it.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll try it out.