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That would allow for like, 2 trillion devices? Feels like a bandaid, my dude. Next you’re gonna suggest a giant ice cube in the ocean once a year to stop global warming.

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It’s the year 2033, Apple releases the M11 MacBook Pro with 8 GB of RAM.

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Thanks, man. I’ll go tell the doctor I’m never doing that emergency surgery. /s

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Perhaps the designer had no clue the face had been changed. Seems more like he doesn’t want to admit that he didn’t realize the face had been altered. They hold tons of these events and there are so many models wearing many different outfits. Maybe he just recognized the dress and shared.

Bedazzling and crazy long finger nails is just a fedora cargo shorts for women.

Probably why they are going in on foot instead of bombing.

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Or how about regulate the sugar and salt content in foods? No? More magic diet medications. Got it.

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When I started college 15 years ago tuition for me was $7,000 per year. When I finished 4 years later, it was $12,000 per year. Things going up is normal. Things costing almost double within a few years is not.

Nobody has mentioned the scroll circle thing on the iPod. Not sure if you’ve ever used one, but that made it so much faster to navigate.

Also, Apple started the touchscreen phones revolution.

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Game dev companies got lazy. Instead of DLSS and FSR being really great tools for older GPUs to run newer games, it became a crutch for brand new $900 GPUs to run newer games.

Don’t get me wrong, DLSS and FSR are awesome and I use them to get games to run well at 4K with my 3070 Ti, it’s just a shame so many devs are abusing it.

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I’m sure they were legal prescriptions, but the government wants pharmacies to police doctors. Instead of just getting the doctor in trouble for writing for excess opioids, they want the pharmacies to be in trouble for filling the prescription the doctor wrote.

The pharmacies make more money for selling more scripts, so the company isn’t incentivized to police the doctors and tell them “no” and there isn’t a set guideline on who to tell no and for what reason, but somehow the pharmacies are at fault.

My take is that if the federal or state governments feel that doctors are writing too many opioid scripts, they should go after the doctors, not the pharmacies.

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Apple software team is on another level. You don’t even have to try to find the feature. We all instinctively shake the mouse to locate the cursor, so it just happens.

I have my apartment set to 72. My temperature is 98.7 and my wife’s temperature is “Leave me alone, I’m sleeping.”

Hope this helps.

Thanks for letting them know the strike is effective!

Remember when they rigged the primaries and were like “yeah, we can do whatever we want. This isn’t the REAL election yet!” And then they never got court time? Do we really have a choice on who to vote for?

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You don’t use racism to fix racism. Help lower income families get in? Sure. Not by race, though.

This is the most crybaby thing to complain about. Reminds me of the reviews on Steam that are “I do not recommend” (this player has 3,432 hours logged)

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Exactly. It’s like when you start an RPG game where you choose how many points to put into each category. If Nintendo has $300 and puts most into CPU/GPU and not as much into screen, then I’m gonna be super happy. People forget that when the OLED switch came out, the other components were cheaper to buy, making room in the budget for the OLED screen.

When components for the Switch 2 get discounted for Nintendo to buy, then they will add an OLED screen.

Make the help tied to income inequality. We’ve been doing it for years.

One reason to believe is because they aren’t allowed to lead on investors with false claims. It would be a big deal if the product severely fell short of what he’s saying now.

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Is it, though?

Selling out doesn’t mean anything. Let’s see some real sales figures.

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The people here really don’t understand Nintendo. They want the console to be as cheap as possible to get it to the most hands as possible and then make the real money on the games. Mom and dad see the price tag isn’t too bad and pull the trigger. Everything has a cost, including an OLED screen Vs LCD (presumably IPS).

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Yawn… Waiting for Intel Battlemage to get 4080 performance for a realistic price.

Force kids to have to go to school? That’s what western nations do. Parents get in huge trouble for not making sure their kids are in school.

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Game Pass is awesome. Back when I was a kid, you rented a game for a weekend and it cost you like $8. Now for around that price you rent a hundred games for a month.

Game Pass is just streaming for video games. It works and lets me try out so many games that I would never have spend money on, but ended up liking a lot of them.

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They are just tracking online? I will guess in store is way down. People probably aren’t spending more overall.

Great option! For me personally, Soylent tastes really good and has good nutrition, but I never feel full drinking it.

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I only play the Tichu when I have a cold.

I’ll get it when it comes to PC (if it’s playable) but it didn’t get me hyped like FF 15 did.

GameCube, PS2, and Xbox are now retro since Xbox Series X and PS5 are out.

When PS6 and Xbox 5 comes out, Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii will be retro.

Mainly old people stuff and college.

They are so high, swimming way above the clouds.

This is why I’m not happy with there being so many remakes. Remakes are awesome, if it also means we are getting a totally new game as well. Nintendo seems to do this the best. New Mario’s, remakes of Zelda games, new Zelda games, etc.

I do wish they would make a sequel to Mario RPG or make an actual Paper Mario RPG like the first two were.

Last year they reported 25 million subscribers. Even if every single one of those was the $10 plan, that equates to $3 Billion. Seems like they are doing okay.

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My eye isn’t twitching, but I’m still going to take your advice.

People forget what happened to countries like Lebanon and Iran.

Guess we are just gonna have to pull a Cuba and maintain them for decades.

So prevent it from happening!

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