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Joined 2 months ago

I love that his people let him go to this event 🤣

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I don’t know, man, I honestly think this is about as raveled as his campaign has ever been.

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A lot of people are saying he’s a weird guy 🤷‍♂️

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Look, I don’t want to insult stupid people, but trump is a deeply deeply stupid person, right?

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The workaround is to buy a small handgun for concealed carry and then attach a small switchblade bayonet.

Your right to open boxes shall not be infringed

Hmmm… I choose the immoral jellyfish

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Seems like the accountants all across the drive through world have forgotten that the reason cheap food was so popular is that it was CHEAP food.

Ironically even though their main menu items and combos have gone crazy price-wise in the last couple years, McDonald’s is one of the few fast food places I still frequent for lunch because if you use the app you can still get a decently filling meal for 6-7 bucks; 2 double cheeseburgers BOGO $1, large fry (free), large drink at regular price. Not great, but 6 something bucks. The quarter pounder combo meal I used to get has nearly tripled in price in the last 5 years and the Big Mac is not only smaller but way more expensive…

Not sure what they were expecting to happen 🤷‍♂️

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I’m guessing nobody has told JD that his role is blame taker

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Best part for me is that both of these rich dickheads literally own social media platforms and they still couldn’t pull this off 🤷‍♂️🤣

He’s no cunning linguist, either

Is there anywhere to get those ads without having to book my face? (Asking for a friend, obviously)

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If you live near a stream or river you could easily rig a water wheel to dispense cat food at whatever rate you want with the right gear combos and some scoop buckets with flaps

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Have you considered switching to indicas?

So this event went exactly as well as anyone with any common sense at all would assume it would go? 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️

Reddit is dying anyway.

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pretty racist, to be honest

Frankly, I’m shocked to find out that AIs are using drive throughs at all, and I’m not sure what use they would even have for tacos 🤷‍♂️

This sounds made up

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It’s got a built in speaker you can pair your phone to if you have an official pee song, mine is CombatCircus, by Talco

Sounds dumb but once you’re synced up it’s hands free and the experience is really relaxing

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No even smart enough to hold onto his one and only meal ticket. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Dude is so likable and squeaky clean seeming that it makes me worry his crawlspace is full of human remains or something

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Ok… so now what are the blue checks paying for if not to be on top of your feed? Just the blue checkmark?

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Can I chip in on this…?

3lbs of cashews, eat one pound each day, shit will flow

So he should definitely go

Nope, they’re mostly selfish assholes in my family

Oh shit they slammed him? That means it’s serious

What could go wrong…?

Cats dig waterwheels though, everybody knows that.

Again, it is the legend.

Bring back the burger stools.

Weirdos gonna weird 🤷‍♂️

Under scrutiny?

Oh no, that’s not nearly severe enough of a reprimand. Im bravely speaking out to demand he be slammed by lawmakers!

As a BMW driver, I call bullshit

And why should they? We’re a civilized people aren’t we?

There’s no way a ferengi would bankrupt a casino.

Gay, trans, commie, fascist, marxist, pedos, mean, dumb, elite, weak, powerful…

Take your pick, I guarantee every ‘slander’ you can imagine is on its way or already being used.

I bring a small torch lighter and pop them out as I go

Ladybug bite.

I would like to attain their hard candy shell and ability to fly.

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She loves to “clean” and nuzzle my beard usually first thing in the morning and before bed for a couple minutes, it’s annoying but I let it slide because it seems to make her really happy, I think maybe it’s a cat family bonding behavior 🤷‍♂️

I tried to curb it initially because she eventually bites and tugs out some hairs which hurts like hell

🤣 at least got her to mostly stop the actual beard hair pulling

Second place: most nights at some point she decides to sleep on my back, which is only mildly bothersome, but she always makes back muffins first which isn’t particularly pleasant

Man, that sounds horrible. I’ve only been bit on my arms and neck by them. I would pass on ladybug eardrum bites if offered, thank you.

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