Need a catfood/treat dispenser that can do like hourly for 12 hours to No Stupid – 32 points –

Weird scenario, but I wanna do a treat every hour for 12 hours.

Anyone know of a good feeder or something that can do that? I could buy two 6 slot feeders and have them pick up after each other, but that seems a bit absurd.


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If you live near a stream or river you could easily rig a water wheel to dispense cat food at whatever rate you want with the right gear combos and some scoop buckets with flaps

This sounds like the most complicated over-engineered option I've ever heard of.

"Guys, is there a cat treat dispenser?"

"So what you do is first, live by the river, and THEN connect a waterwheel, to run as power and connect that to the cat feeder, to dispense at so many wheel turns from the water"

"Or, ya know.....maybe something battery operated, or plugs into a wall outlet."

But first, we need to talk about parallel universes.

ok, so to calculate the first gear, we're going to go with (2πr cos AB x tan Φ) / v / 24hrs, where v = the average speed of the water in the river measured at least 30 times at random over a period of a year. The first to second gear is a ratio of 5:2.667. The second to third gear ratio is 4.20:6.9 (niceee). This will be the prototype.