McDonald’s earnings, revenue miss estimates as consumer pullback worsens to – 531 points –
McDonald's earnings, revenue miss estimates as consumer pullback worsens

Looks like McDonald's is reaping what it sowed. Shit food at shit prices and no one wants to buy?! SHOCKER.


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Seems like the accountants all across the drive through world have forgotten that the reason cheap food was so popular is that it was CHEAP food.

Ironically even though their main menu items and combos have gone crazy price-wise in the last couple years, McDonald’s is one of the few fast food places I still frequent for lunch because if you use the app you can still get a decently filling meal for 6-7 bucks; 2 double cheeseburgers BOGO $1, large fry (free), large drink at regular price. Not great, but 6 something bucks. The quarter pounder combo meal I used to get has nearly tripled in price in the last 5 years and the Big Mac is not only smaller but way more expensive…

Not sure what they were expecting to happen 🤷‍♂️

This chart really highlights the problem; since 2014 overall inflation is 31% but MCDONALDS inflation is at 100%!

Raising Cane's is conspicuously absent from that chart. A Box Combo went up 61% over that time period.

I went there a few months ago because of some happy meal toy my kids wanted. It was $60 to eat there. We could have went to Denny’s or Waffle House and gotten a massive amount of food for that price.

Instead, McDonald’s started filling their burgers with garbage filler and charging even more for it. My kids got home and were still hungry. Never going there again.

Yeah that's the less talked about part, you don't feel full even if you splurge and actually get a large volume of food.


Uh, have you been to a Denny's lately? Their prices have gone crazy lately as well.