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Joined 7 months ago

Nobody wants to do business with unstable nazis.

8 more...

They're not dumping 'pandemic puppies', they're dumping the pitbulls that nobody wants. Breeders for dog fighting are pumping out dogs nobody wants because they're reactive, dangerous, and have the ability to kill a human being, then maul them.

Shelters are full of them. So desperate to get rid of them, shelters underplay their aggressiveness and danger. This puts the general population at risk. The UK just passed a new set of laws against more breeds of pitbulls, and rightfully so. You can see all the evidence they used to make their decision. It's gory and sad. So many people's lives, and smaller dogs, gone forever.

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Every time there's a nazi rally, this many people need to show up to it. Until the nazis realize they're heavily outnumbered by people that know the nazis want to kill, torture, and rob them all. No matter where they go. Every single time. Until they don't come out anymore. Nazis don't want to get along. They want to rob, torture, and kill you, your family, and everyone you've ever known.

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Call the police non-emergency number and report someone in a handicapped parking spot that doesn't have a hanger or tag. Look for Tow Truck numbers posted in the parking lot.

Hit them where it hurts. Their pocketbook, and having to figure out where their car is, how to get there, how to pay, etc... Don't use illegal means when legal means are readily available, willing, and waiting.

Take a picture, and complain to the internet? IT's simpler to take care of legally. Then post a pic of a cop writing them a ticket, or a tow truck hauling them away on the internet.

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If logical political attacks don't work because his base is too fucking stupid to understand them, then use illogical ones against the fat, smelly, tiny-handed, well-done steak eating piece of orange crap traitor.

Nazi woman responds to nazi accusations by not denying them.

An insurrection, not a riot.

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That's humiliating and dishearening to disabled people to have treatment like that. It really affects their lives for the worse. I hope he sues them into bankruptcy.

Life? That's bonkers. For leaking GTA crap? Egad.

Guess a billion dollar company bought the legal system...

Rockstar: 'Lock him up and throw away the key. Also, play our game and go shoot some civilians, cops, and feds in a hacker terrorist bank heist online with friends!'

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Good riddance. Should have been done decades ago.

Not everyone in Florida is a nazi redneck, apparently.

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All the most habitable spots are already taken. The only spots left have major disadvantages.

You can't just 'spread out' all the people. It doesn't work that way. Not everyone wants to live on a cliffside road in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, or wherever. Nor is it advantageous in any way to do so.

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The cracker boss man done fucked up. Some new barrels for the crackers should do it. They'll even have loyal cracker programs.

"cracker" is a term used for slave owners on horseback 'cracking the whip' on the backs of slaves. Possibly analogous to a modern CEO that pays slave wages. Like half minimum wage to server staff.

14 more...

Daily maga christian nationalist Nat-C nazi terrorist. Cut off his own father's head. This is the end result of the indoctrination into unregulated christianity and unregulated conservative "news" propaganda.

Things don't turn into "banana republics" because they won't put a well known traitor on the ballot. The GOP may still have a candidate that isn't an active traitor, it's not like they can't run another candidate.

Your shitty 'slippery slope' argument means fuck all, if they replace the Democratic government with a Dictatorship. You know that. You're ignoring that, and making a bad faith argument.

Gotta show off that fictional rape baby. OR ELSE! It's just a highly religiously influenced state fighting against the people not giving a shit about bad religious fiction.

"Don't you take that rape baby display down! My fictional god raped that child to make that fictional baby, and you're going to look at it every single year of your life!"

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Loser then, loser now. This is just an award for being the biggest nat-c nazi piece of shit in America.

"ruin a small business".

This is Rockstar. They make billions. All the hype is just free press for them, which is pro-commerce for them and the press.

Yeah, it destroys lives when it's taken out of proportion for a stupid leak vs. a life sentence. You ruin lives with your nonsense because a billion dollar company doesn't have decent cyber-security? GTA is completely full of script kiddies in every session. Maybe rockstar needs to get their act together instead of throwing people in jail for doing exactly what is required in game. Where you're a criminal that hacks tech companies to advance in the plot. In game, it kills people. In real life, nobody was hurt at all.

Stop doing that!

They shouldn't allow hate museums about hate books that teach people it's OK to hate, because of religion.

What a waste of time, effort, and money. That's what religion is. Just a waste.

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You just made the World Championship Belt of TIME!

"Couldn't reply to message on Lemmy, was written like it was typed on a keyboard. Literally can't right now. Too many words."

What an asshole.


The orange wiggler actively started a trade war against China, encourages asian hate among his deplorables, and wants to do everything to hurt China.

Biden is willing to work with China, and Obama was pro-China.

They can't figure it out? Really?

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Billions of dollars in that corporation religion, and they send their 'thoughts and prayers'. What a jerk.

No. She's disqualified for hurting people to bring them closer to god. She's a religious terrorist cunt.

Oh no, they might try to do something like an insurrection. They did that. Another insurrection? They have plans on the internet and a timeline.

But you're worried about setting a precedent for the democracy that they laid out plans stating that they're going to destroy and replace with a dictatorship? If they win. But if they lose, then they might have some sort of precedence in the democracy that still exists? Right? Because that's what you're saying. Think about what you're saying.

That was an ADHD meme yesterday. Can't concentrate on subject, makes up little rhyming song about it. Today, you are the meme.

You just put your lips together and blow.


Remember the creepy bumper where the internet guy asks people about creepy bumpers? Very disturbing.

Because control freak dickheads think you're being 'uncivil'. Fuck them and the cat they rode in on.

Watch christians and catholics ignore everything this bullshit artist says. The pope has minimal control, refuses to use it, and reigns over one of the largest religious hate groups on the planet.

Their entire religion is a 'rigid ideological position". How the fuck are people in that religion supposed to ignore those when the entire religion is one? Just more stupid contradictory illogic that doesn't mean a thing.

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Fuck that, you pessimistic piece of dust. Just gotta put all your doubts and fears out there. Boo hoo.

He's going down. People are going to notice. It will change people's minds. All of them? Nope, fucking obviously. But it will change plenty of minds. Even if it's from a Republican vote to "I'll vote Republican when they can field a non-felon."

Keep your shitty pessimism to yourself.

This jerk kisses the ass of hate religious groups because they forced artists to paint pictures only of their bullshit religion for a thousand years. Screw this jerk, and screw that religion.

"But the crucifix has such pretty blood running down the side of the dead guy impaled onto it! So pretty!". What a nutjob.

If you could please stop pretending that she was all sunshine and roses, that'd be super. There's some in the back that don't quite get it yet.

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Someone's still on fascist X, aren't they? Stop supporting blatantly fascist platforms, please.

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“If you are a Christian who supports him you don’t understand your own religion.”

Typical christian gatekeeping. Absolutely nobody is an actual christian, according to any christian. That's why they've fought each other for hundreds of years over the meaning of 'real christian'. Millions of people have been killed over this crap.

"You're not a real christian! My god says to never kill, and I'll kill you if you say otherwise!"

"No! You're not a real christian! My god says to kill anyone not following the true faith!"

fighting noises until someone is dead. - Which would be fine except innocent people are always drawn into these conflicts and killed.

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His own priests don't listen to him. Screw the pope, he's just a spokesman for the Public Relations department of a multi-billion dollar corporation/religion.

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You're spewing a weird, pessimistic fantasy.

Stop being such a negative dick.

Die hard Cheeto suckers will find another scam to follow.

Less die hard cheeto fellators will simply not vote, rather than vote for a Democrat. Which is fine.

Another thing to consider? Fuck that. It's 34, precedent setting felony convictions. You know anyone with 34 felony convictions? I don't, and that's just 34 for now. That number will be going up, up, and away to jail, home confinement, and obscurity until he's dead of natural causes.

Nobody with an "internal compass" will vote for that felon criminal taken down by a porn actress. If they do, they never had an "internal compass".

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