People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. to Mildly – 610 points –

I have a disability and want to smack these jerks with my cane.


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Call the police non-emergency number and report someone in a handicapped parking spot that doesn't have a hanger or tag. Look for Tow Truck numbers posted in the parking lot.

Hit them where it hurts. Their pocketbook, and having to figure out where their car is, how to get there, how to pay, etc... Don't use illegal means when legal means are readily available, willing, and waiting.

Take a picture, and complain to the internet? IT's simpler to take care of legally. Then post a pic of a cop writing them a ticket, or a tow truck hauling them away on the internet.

* Results vary by location. Try that in my town and the cops will chew you out for "wasting their time," and tacitly threaten you with arrest to try to prevent you from calling again.

Then we get whinging about why people do these sorts of things as if there are no consequences. Well, it turns out there are no consequences. Once again, this is why we can't have nice things.

if the police don't do anything then talk to the mayor. You can also talk to the state legislator.

You go talk to the mayor about someone in a parking spot. Let us know how that goes lmao.

Not about the parking spot, but about the police refusing to do their job.

I get it.
Come back and tell us how it went.

Is the system that corrupt there that you wouldn't get a windfall for being wrongfully arrested for reporting a crime?

About 25 years ago, I was a retail manager and took great pleasure in having these assholes towed. We had the towing company on speed dial, they loved us. I wasn't disabled then but it's just a shitty thing to do so it ticked me off.

Today I just alerted store management, who was pretty pissed off about them. I approved. As much as I'd have loved to do what you suggested, I only had a few minutes before I had to leave.

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I mean, if someone did this to me in Minecraft, I would be highly tempted to remove their trailer hitch, and put it though their back window for them. Building a window in Minecraft takes a while. Got to mine the ore and such.

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