All three game console makers, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, have now abandoned X (formerly Twitter) integration to – 1627 points –
All three game console makers have now abandoned X integration

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Nobody wants to do business with unstable nazis.

Nobody wants to do business with unstable nazis.

More like

Nobody wants to do business with unstable nazis people

Plenty of businesses ready and willing to do business with stable (and rich) Nazis, dictators and slavers. Look at the line of people and businesses more than ready to make deals with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, etc

If you are rich and have a stable government, there's no amount of human rights violations and genocides stopping corrupt fuckers from trying to make deals with you and profit.

Any company that appeals to conservatives loves to do business with Nazis.

Nah, plenty of people want to do business with nazis. Unfortunately.

Five people here think Nazi business is fine. Yikes.

e: wait, 6.

e2: hey guys! Lemmy doesn’t have vote fuzzing yet! (just noticing. there’s no conspiracy here … or is there?)

moooom I'm seeing Nazis everywhere again
