
7 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Also the first one is a lie the second is true.

No dude has ever said "she'd look hotter if her lips and cheeks were redder," either but ya'll would cry if we stopped wearing lipstick and blush. Quit your bullshit.

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This is so disingenuous because it completely ignores why a woman's tech conference needs to exsist in the first place. I hope you're not actually convinced that you care about equality and realize where the urge to argue against a woman's tech conference being for women comes from.

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Please I want you hicks to take on the federal government. Please do it would be so funny. Like whatchu gonna do to the Abrams tank when it rolls over your trailer Tucker?

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Democracy is when the majority of people vote for a law but because rich people from 100+ years ago say otherwise it doesn't get enacted.

Bro name one that doesn't deserve it.

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I mean, kids only really suck in a world where both parents have to work 40+ hours a week. You really don't have to dedicate all your time to them, but in a world with less and less community to help raise them and more and more work to grind your energy down, you have to dedicate far too much of your limited free time to them. I would love to be able to raise a kid or two myself. I loved working with kids. We should not be throwing them into some nebulous "public system."

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I mean, in the short term (50-100 years), yes it is. Unless people start dying at a younger age, there's going to be a lot of orphaned seniors, which isn't good. We won't really see the benefits of a declining birthrate in our lifetimes, but we will see numerous negatives.

In the long term, it's probably more nessecary then "not bad," but again, you don't want to be the one of the people living during the population collapse.

I mean honestly source? Free lean protein which I can acquire while circumventing price gouging and greedflation doesn't seem like that bad of an idea. Maybe toast them bitches in the air fryer and put em on a sammich. Make a CLT.

I maximize fiber and protein and don't really count calories. Most americans do not get enough fiber so metamucil can be very powerful. I will go out of my way to eat filling, low calorie foods. Apples, celery, and the not so occasional pickle.

Might I remind you that "shit" can be used with the spell command.

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My mom's unwillingness to break with religion, or just not make it a requirement of the partners she picks, even though christian men all treat her like trash. She refuses to see how bigotry is a feature of the church, and not a bug, because she herself is pretty tolerant.

I guess I kind of consider my step dad to be my dad, though that will probably change if he ever figures out I'm trans, or have dated men. My biggest issue is his bigotry, as mentioned above.

These things made me pretty awful and biggotted myself for a while, until the stress of being a self hating queer broke me, and now I'm pretty anti-authority, and anti-bigotry.

Where's the assault rifle, dumbbells and commie flag? Am I trans womaning wrong?

This site is becoming the same kind of mysognistic reddit was.

As a movement/fandom/website gets bigger the more bad actors there will be within it. There's also less consequences to ones reputation for being rude to others when a community gets larger because there are more people in the community you haven't been rude to yet that you can still have positive interactions with.

I don't think it's something carried over specifically from reddit or its community but rather just what naturally happens (which also happened on reddit,) as communities get larger. They become more and more reflective of people at large, and right now people aren't doing so hot.

Call me Hitler but it's only a snail. If this can erase my dad strangling me or watching someone shoot themself from my brain IDC how many invertebrates die for it.

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For those asking for lists/sources, I did a quick duckduckgo search and here is the first thing I got. Just taking a quick glance and seeing Gaddafi on the list leads me to believe the claim is at least slightly dubious. Yeah, sure, France was involved in that revolution, but his death at the hands of his own countrymen was immortalized in a snuff film you don't wanna watch.


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No. Common sense is controversial because of the sheer volume of stupid people that refuse it. It isn't just gun control. It's everything.

It is a lot safer for women to assume a man is dangerous until proven otherwise. I don't really see a comment that posits that only men are dangerous or bad, but stomp your feet and cross your arms when women tell you their lived experience, it's a great look.

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I'd probably have to help my mom accept herself, but she's actually open minded when engaged in sincere conversation. I'd probably have to help her reconcile her faith with her sexuality, which won't be too hard. She's actually one of "the good ones," when it comes to being very Christian but also the parent of a queer child. (Me)

My step-dad would be interesting. If he came out it would be a genuine shock given he is a bigot. While it might feel really good to point and laugh at him, and not care what happens after he comes out to his very conservative family, thinking on it I'd rather offer my support to him and maybe gain an ally. I could at the very least be out to him. I'm not currently because I don't know how he'd take it and I live in his house.

My dad's dead. If he was alive I wouldn't be a part of his life. If someone told me he came out, I would say, "Neat!" Then move on with my day.

If we had an energy system owned by the people and not ran for profits, nuclear would be a viable, and probably even the preferred, option. We do not. We're probably going to have to fix that to get a practical and reliable clean energy grid.

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Unfortunately, I'm just both anyways.

Frugal is a good character trait....

You're a nerd. These are nerd stereotypes.

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A good sandbox MMO that people actually play, and doesn't have a high barrier of entry.

Squeak squeak! Squeak squeak squeak, squeak?

"Take responsibility for yourself."

"Be accountable."

"Learn to accept things you can't control."

"Self pity gets you nowhere."

These are all nongendered ways of saying your mental health is your own responsibility. Or, simply repeat to yourself your own observation, "If I'm feeling bad but force myself to do something, I usually feel better." You were already on the right track friend. Just realize gender has absolutely nothing to do with the concept and counter thoughts that tell you otherwise.

I apologize to one for just using her for sex, catch up with 3 others, just chat with the one I still talk to on and off.... Genuinely sounds like it could be a pleasant evening. Might bust out a board game or something.

Deflation discourages spending at all levels, because why spend right now when your cash will be worth more later? This kills any economy.

Sure can do pardner

Lol Steve you're on the internet there's gonna be some hentai

I am none of the outside but still the center. #builtDifferent

We've been supporting war in Yemen for a bit now. I think since 2014, so nearly a decade. This is the natural result of such. Maybe we need to just stay out of middle eastern blood feuds if we don't want to have our ships attacked?

"Hey censorship isn't a good idea." "YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO MAKE MY KIDS GAY!" Two can play the strawman game. Parents should do anything with their children or just not have them.

Yes, and that means I'm going to eat you.

Markedly. The stuff wrapped in plastic is like play dough in comparison to getting it in a block or sliced from the deli counter.

I think homie was being sarcastic.

McDonalds has crashed in quality since the pandemic. During the pandemic everyone was really competing for market share and improving their menus.... Except McDonalds, and now that we're out of the pandemic, everyone is pinching including McDonalds. I'd really rather go anywhere else except maybe BK.

You're not old just cause u remember a thing from school. They still use these in gym classes all over, and you can still buy these in stores for 5 bucks.