Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech to – 365 points –

The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.


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This is so disingenuous because it completely ignores why a woman's tech conference needs to exsist in the first place. I hope you're not actually convinced that you care about equality and realize where the urge to argue against a woman's tech conference being for women comes from.

The article implies that it’s somehow harder to find a job in tech as a woman. In my experience in IT this is quite the opposite. Every company I’ve worked for where I was involved in the hiring process would have loved to hire more women. The problem is that women don’t choose a career in IT.

You were so close at the end there…. Now ask yourself why women don’t choose a career in IT? (Hint, it’s not because the requisites of the field)

I also always found it weird when I hear that women choose jobs that don't get paid more. As opposed to people asking why are womens jobs have been historically devalued.

Because jobs are paid not by how valuable they are to society but by how much profit they generate for their employers.

I think ideally in a capitalist society we'd want that to be true. However, cops are paid more than teachers, administrators are paid more than nurses. There's a lot of what you can get away with as well. I genuinely don't think we live in a meritocracy. We also have cronyism and nepotism and corruption. If what you were saying were perfectly true, we would be be having all these union battles would we?

Not profit, but how hard the role is to fill. More supply, less demand in terms of salary.

Teachers are in short supply and get shit pay.

transgender women are overrepresented in IT

Because men and women have different preferences? How is this a problem? Should men and women like the same things?

Surface level arguments from willfully ignorant people.